Frank Jorgensen got himself something of a shock, when he the other day would help a good friend buy håndsprit.

the Shock came when Frank got the two bottles håndsprit in the hand.

After paying the 125 dollars for the much coveted item in Bill’s office services in Nykøbing Mors, he got two bottles with each 100 millilitres in your hand.

It corresponds to a literpris of 625 crowns. For comparison, the literprisen 250 kroner at the Lion Pharmacy in Thisted, denmark, not far away.

“They must have a bad taste in the mouth. It should not be legal to exploit the situation,” says Frank Jørgensen to the North of Bill’s office services.

He believes that the business advantage of the huge demand to take an exorbitant price for håndspritten. The interpretation is that they do not agree with the Bill’s office services.

On the Facebook admits Bill’s office support, to ‘the price of our håndsprit is in the slightly high end, compared to what you can buy håndsprit in dagligvarebutikkerne.’

But the business believes there is a reason that the price is as it is.

‘the Purchase price of the håndspritten has increased tremendously (10 x before the price) pga. the high demand due to Corona-the crisis. This we will, of course, first and foremost, the suffering as a small purchaser in the big picture,’ writes Bill’s office services on Facebook.

In the first place purchased the business håndspritten for sale to local businesses, but when there was anything left, offered Bill’s office services to sell the excess bottles to private.

the Demand was, not surprisingly, enormous.

‘Our offer should only be seen as an attempt to meet the high demand and not as an attempt to exploit a situation,’ writes Bill’s office services on Facebook.

you Belong to among the many danes, who have sought in vain to get hold of håndsprit in these corona-times, you must not despair.

According to the national board of Health, it is just as effective to wash his hands frequently and thoroughly with soap, as using håndsprit.

And Frank Jorgensen?

Yes, he googled himself to, how to make your own håndsprit after the experience at Bill’s office services.