Long-term objectives remained unchanged but was updated to take account of new factors associated with coronavirus and pandemic crisis in the global economy. In many ways they reflect the amendments to the Constitution approved by the citizens on the national ballot. The government up to 30 October and is expected to submit proposals on the adjustment of projects in conformity with the new decree.

listed in the document of indicators makes it difficult to allocate the main – it is important to all. By 2030, the GDP growth rate needs to exceed the global average life expectancy to increase to 78 years. In addition, Russia should enter the top ten countries for quality of education and amount of research. The targets established for each of the five goals – a lot of them, but most importantly – they are all realistic and well thought out.

a Week ago, at the meeting of the Council for strategic development and national projects, Vladimir Putin has instructed the national projects extend to 2030 and adjusted in connection with the choice of people who voted for amendments to the Constitution, and taking into account the lessons of the pandemic. At the center of all decisions, plans and programmes should be people – this is important, the President said. In the first place should be the interests of Russian families. The new decree meets these installations.

the document spelled out five national goals: conservation of population health and well-being of people, opportunities for self-realization and development of talents, comfortable and safe environment for life, decent, effective work and successful entrepreneurship and digital transformation.

the Priority remains the fight against poverty, increase incomes. According to the decree, by 2030 the level of poverty should be reduced twice as compared with the 2017 year. “The solution here is obvious: we need new jobs and opportunities for people to conduct their business,” – said Putin at a meeting of the Council. He signed the decree, in particular, focuses on supporting small and medium – sized enterprises- the number of people employed here is expected to reach 25 million people.

the most Important value was and is the health of the citizens. Russia is betting on an increase in the proportion of people regularly engaged in physical culture and sports, up to 70 percent. Earlier it was planned to increase the proportion of “athletes” to 55 percent. Now, by the way, the figure is 43 percent. To raise the bar in school on meeting, invited Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Russia will not enter the top ten leading countries in the quality of General education, but also to establish an effective system for identifying and developing talent. Important factor is accessibility, and it is provided with: everyone – regardless of place of birth and level of family income, will have the opportunity floorto achieve quality education and realize their talent.

in addition, our country should enter the top ten States by the amount of research and development. The proportion of volunteers among the citizens is expected to increase to 15 percent. And the number of visits to cultural events – to triple compared to the year 2019.

a Week ago, the President said: “we Have a historical chance in the foreseeable future, it is absolutely clear, maybe for the first time in the history of Russia to fundamentally solve the housing question.” The decree spelled out these tasks.

Annually, their living conditions will improve for at least 5 million families, will be built at least 120 million square metres of housing per year. One and a half times by 2030 will improve the quality of the urban environment, and the relevant regulations of the roads will be not less than 85 percent.

the Head of state is not left out of the equation and such a topical issue as ecology. Vladimir Putin instructed by 2030 to maintain separation of 100 percent of household waste and halve the amount of waste sent to landfills. Prescribed reducing the emission of hazardous pollutants in two times and improvement of water bodies, primarily of the Volga and lake Baikal.

Key economic indicators by 2030, the GDP growth rate above the world average, while maintaining macroeconomic stability, sustained growth of income and pensions are not below the inflation rate, real growth investments in fixed capital not less than 70 percent compared with the 2020 real growth in non-oil exports non-energy goods at least 70 percent compared to 2020. In ten years the key sectors of the economy, the social sphere and public administration needs to reach “digital maturity”. This transition to a new way of life in all spheres of life. In electronic form will be available to 95 percent of socially important services and faster Internet appears in practically every home (the rate is up to 97%). Also four times will be increased investments in the domestic decisions in the field of IT compared to the 2019 year.

“In fact, it is those areas that will determine how our country will develop in the coming decades. In many ways they reflect the changes to the Constitution, which was actively supported by our citizens on 1 July,” – said, commenting on the decree, the presidential aide Maxim Oreshkin. “Now the government within three months, on the basis of the provisions of the Ordinance would produce changes in the national projects,” Oreshkin said:. And these projects, as the main instrument to achieve national goals, will be presented at the presidential Council in the fall, he said.

“After the approval of control by the President over the implementation, with the achievement of the targets will be the maximum”, – said the assistant President.

Vladimir Putin instructed the government until October 30 to submit a single plan for the achievement of national development goals for the period up to 2024 and the planned period up to 2030. In addition, each year the Cabinet of Ministers in forming the draft budget must include as a priority the provision for the realization of national goals. Additional income also should be directed in priority order to these objectives.

“the most Important document, the most important decree, – said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. – The document is really crucial for the country that deserves deep analysis and that within three months will be followed by a correction of the may decree of the President”. The international environment is very unfavorable, appreciated it. “Despite the market conditions are such ambitious goals, but definitely required some adjustments,” explained the need for changes in the national projects, the representative of the Kremlin. Therefore, the goal of increasing life expectancy to 78 years, and reduce in two times the poverty level moved in six years.

“of Course, adverse economic conditions will slow down the development of all countries without exception”, – said Peskov. “Goals should be realistic, achievable and this was guided”, he concluded.

In the decree stressed that the decision was made to implement a breakthrough development of Russia, increasing population, increasing standard of living, create comfortable conditions for the citizens, and disclosing talents of each person. It is important that the document reinforces the key challenges in ecology. “The next decade the country will move in a green direction,” – said the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko, stressing that working have integrated.

a New decree with the goals to 2030 maintains continuity with the “may” decree of 2018, which was designed for a six-year term, but differently placed accents. The new document begins with goals for the level and quality of life of the population, thus, the President notes that success may be just such an economic policy that secures the welfare of all segments of the population, highlights the corresponding member of RAS, Deputy Director of the Institute of economic forecasting, Alexander Shirov. The main thing is the purpose for the well-being of people does not become in practice the task of tonnes, barrels and production capacity, as has happened time and again with strategic documents, says head of international capital markets IMEMO Yakov Mirkin.

In a decree entered set in 2018, the target for the reduction of poverty twice, but there is no growth of incomes of the population (the aim is to provide “the��s sustainable income growth”). It would be important, since the greatest losses as a result of the crisis suffered the middle class, said Shirov.

the Decree raises the bar on the elimination of garbage: he speaks of the need of sorting all generated volume of municipal solid waste and halving the amount of garbage sent to landfills. “This is an ambitious task, the parameters are higher than in many developed countries of the world”, – stressed the Vice-Premier of Victoria Abramchenko. For double reduction of the emissions of hazardous pollutants is necessary to modernize the production of basic pollutants – this direction will form the basis of the transition to enterprise green standards and projects to promote the use of bio-resources and biofuels. In the end, the air quality will be different – everything will be able to “open the window and feel the difference”, hopes the Deputy Prime Minister. Particular attention in the decree is paid to the digital transformation of the economy – pandemic made its necessity clear. In particular, the decree aims to achieve “digital maturity” of key sectors of the economy, healthcare, education and government, a fourfold increase in investment in IT. This direction can significantly improve production efficiency and give additional impetus to economic growth. At the same time, the use of digital technologies well when the economy is effectively the core of the industry, capable of forming an acceptable level of income, said Shirov.

to achieve all of these goals must, otherwise the gap between the world leaders will worsen, said presidential Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Boris Titov. “However, to sustain the optimism at the right level is not easy, because the changes we want to see at not only goal setting, but also the instrumentation,” he says. According to him, a qualitatively different economy private initiative of millions of people, migrated in the interests of the non-oil producers, “not only those giants who are engaged in non-primary manufacturing another base material Dating back to the Soviet Union, but it is in the interests of new market entrants”.
