Kirill KROK, Director of the State academic theatre named after E. Vakhtangov:

– Hundredth season we will open September 15 with a performance of “Oedipus Rex” staged by Rimas Tuminas. I think this is very important: the whole city a plague covered the entire world… And from 1 August in the theatre will begin rehearsals for the two performances, which were suspended in March. First premiere show in October, the second in early December. Pre-sale tickets we opened July 27, and for the first day of sale of 1149 tickets worth about two million rubles. While orientirueshsya to sit through the series, but waiting for the decree of the Moscow mayor about how we will take viewers in September.

Victor Ryzhakov, artistic Director of the Moscow theater “Contemporary”:

– We decided to continue the season, which was cut short due to the pandemic. Throughout September we will finish the performances last year and only 1 of October, by tradition, will open the 65th season. We start the premiere, but some don’t say it. And in September will show a new work, “Nadia Girl what you need” on the script Gennady Shpalikov. Throughout September we will continue to play a series of legendary performances of Galina Volchek as this year to her memory.

Maria Revyakina, Director of the theatre of Nations, the CEO award and festival “Golden Mask”:

– the Theatre of Nations rehearsing since July. For premiers: on 3 and 4 September on the main stage “the Broken jug” by Timothy of kulyabina; 10 and 11 September – “the Doctor in spite of himself” by Moliere, directed by Oleg Dolin; hereinafter, “the Passion according to Thomas” directed by Yevgeny Marcelli. In parallel, it’s “Gorbachev”, it will show in October, and have another planned in December. How to survive the quarantine? Like all the online performances that, in my opinion, everyone already fed up with.

as for the “Golden Mask”, the jury has already started the review of postponed performances, we have 11 touring projects, some of them foreign – Latvia, Estonia and Israel.

Dmitry Bertman, Director General – artistic Director of “Helikon-Opera”:

– From musical theaters in the most difficult situation. In the instructions of Rospotrebnadzor there is an item “delete mass stage,” and our art is only of crowd scenes is. And the rooms are big, and the stage, choir, orchestra… Now we are trying to clarify the notion of “mass” and proposed a mathematical option – depending on the size of the scene to determine the number of artists. “To avoid massive scene” is to exclude musical theatre. We prepare three premiere. For the first time in Russia will raise Opera in Hebrew, “alpha and omega”. Further, “the Stone guest” Dargomyzhsky, a rare Opera without chorus, and “harlequin” Busoni – too sparsely populated.