Since the beginning of the year, food prices have been pointing in only one direction – up. FOCUS online makes the checkout and says which foods have become more expensive since the beginning of the year – and where further price increases are imminent.

A few days ago, all supermarkets in Germany increased the price of coffee, sausage and pasta. It is becoming more difficult for households to shop cheaply for the week.

Prices in German supermarkets have been rising massively since March. There is hardly a staple food that has not been hit by the price wave.

FOCUS online makes the Kassensturz. This is how expensive shopping in the supermarket has become since March 2022.

Consumers have to dig deeper into their pockets, especially when it comes to rice, pasta, coffee, butter and milk. The price of rice jumped by a whopping 25 percent, and for chips it was even 33 percent. Toilet paper increased in price by 27 percent.

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This is how prices changed between March and August 2022:

It is becoming increasingly difficult for consumers to save when shopping. Prices are rising almost everywhere. It doesn’t matter whether it’s branded products or no-name items.

FOCUS online says: Special and weekly offers remain an important building block for Aldi Süd, Aldi Nord, Lidl, Rewe, Edeka, Hit and Co.

Look in brochures and pay attention to billboards in the branches. Coupons and vouchers can also make weekly shopping cheaper. We list the corresponding offers for you here. We provide an overview of how you can save in the supermarket here: At Aldi, Lidl, Rewe or Edeka – with simple tips you can immediately save 140 euros a month in the supermarket

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Supermarket prices are skyrocketing, but furniture, clothing, shoes and other consumer goods are also becoming more expensive. As a retail expert, I know the tricks of the trade and tell you how you can save money for you and your family every month when shopping. Would you like to talk to me about your savings tips and tricks? Did you notice anything while shopping? Then send an e-mail to with your name and phone number