
More recently, South Korea was the second largest outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 in the world, second only to China. Now recovered, the number has already exceeded half, and the mortality rate remains at a very low level
Deputy Chairman of the security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has asked the Russians to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. Through social networks, he urged citizens to exercise self-discipline, so in the future it took more stringent measures
Almost 800'000 Swiss francs invested Rodrigo Alves (36) to transform itself with the help of plastic surgery in a living Ken. Now Alves a further 120'000 Swiss francs to invest, to become a Barbie. Rodrigo Alves...
The Central Bank made a second and more ambitious anti-crisis package of measures. It allowed banks to 30 September not to create reserves in the restructuring of loans to individuals and significantly expanded the list of victims of the pandemic industries that can be applied concessional restructuring
All the news of Russia and the world from In Moscow and the Moscow region has been quarantined, delicately called "home-isolation". Exit the apartments and houses can not be typed pass

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