First it should come, but then not: the gas surcharge. Due to the long back and forth, consumer advocates advise citizens to write down the meter readings for electricity and gas on October 1st.

Because of the chaos surrounding the gas surcharge, consumer advocates recommend noting down the meter readings for electricity and gas on October 1st. That could be useful in order to be able to reclaim excessive payments if necessary, said Udo Sieverding, energy expert at the consumer center in NRW, the editorial network Germany (RND).

The background is that the gas levy was supposed to come into force on October 1st and was only stopped by the Federal Cabinet this Friday. However, until the cabinet decision is published in the Federal Gazette, it will apply for three days. Thereafter, it is to be revoked retrospectively and in its entirety.

Even if consumers now have to pay excessively high discounts in many cases, Sieverding advises doing so first. “Consumers should wait for the relevant letters from landlords and suppliers,” said the expert.

This is also the recommendation of the Federal Association of Energy and Water Management (BDEW). “No gas customer will have to pay the gas procurement levy, even if it is included in the current deduction to be paid,” said BDEW General Manager Kerstin Andreae to the RND. “Customers who have received price adjustment letters from their energy suppliers do not have to take action,” Andreae continues. The increased deductions due to the levy would be offset against the actual costs in the annual accounts.