According to the German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK), 25 percent of the population suffer from bad breath. This can have different causes: poor oral hygiene, garlic in the food or diseases such as tonsillitis can cause bad breath. However, those affected often do not even know about their problem – and others rarely ask about the bad smelling breath.

In order to combat bad breath effectively, you must first get to the bottom of the cause. Did you just treat yourself to a doner kebab with onion and garlic sauce? Then the reason is easy to find. Bacteria in the mouth can also be the cause of bad breath. These decompose food residues that remain in the interdental spaces after eating.

The growth of odour-intensive bacteria is favored by periodontal disease, caries or a sore throat. They find an optimal habitat on the rough tongue coating. Clean your tongue regularly with a special tongue brush or simply with your toothbrush. Of course, brushing your teeth regularly also helps against superficial bad breath. You should also use dental floss to remove food particles from between your teeth whenever possible. In this way you can effectively prevent bad breath.

Stress, alcohol consumption and smoking also promote bad breath. But low salivation can also be responsible. Always try to keep your mouth moist by drinking plenty of fluids and stimulating saliva production with sugar-free lozenges or chewing gum.

As a first-aid measure, many use mouthwashes with the active ingredient chlorhexidine from drugstores or pharmacies. Since these agents do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria, they unbalance the oral mucosa in the long term. Try one of the following home remedies instead…

Gargle with black or green tea. Because it contains polyphenols, which prevent bacteria from multiplying. This is a natural way to fight bad breath.

Another home remedy is healing herds. Mix a quarter liter of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of healing clay in a cup. Then rinse your mouth with the mixture. Unfortunately, if remnants of the earth are still left in the mouth, it can get a little uncomfortable. Then simply rinse again with clear water.

Baking powder has long been known as an all-purpose household product. Stubborn dirt and clogged drains can be effectively combated with the help of baking soda. The odor-neutralizing effect can also help against bad breath. Just mix in a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda and rinse your mouth with it.

A temporary solution to bad breath is definitely sucking on a herbal candy. However, it is healthier if you chew on some peppermint leaves. Cloves and parsley also have the same effect. The herbs contain essential oils and chlorophyll, both of which have an odor-binding effect.

Coffee junkies can also simply chew a coffee bean to get rid of bad breath. The popular beans also have an odor-binding effect.

How about making your own mouthwash? All you have to do is stir the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water. The conditioner inhibits bacterial growth and freshens your breath. Be careful though, if you have minor injuries in your mouth it could become painful.

The so-called oil pulling has its origins in the traditional Indian art of healing. To do this, put a tablespoon of sunscreen or olive oil in your mouth and swish it back and forth for about 20 minutes. Try swiping it between your teeth before you spit it out. The oil binds toxins, odorous substances and harmful bacteria.

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The original to this post “Halitosis? These 7 home remedies can help” comes from Teleschau.