CAIRO, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. the Libyan national army (LNA) Khalifa the Haftarot made the decision on the reorganization of the command structure on the background of the retreat of its forces from some of the positions in opposition with the holding of Tripoli by the national consensus Government, this was stated by army spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari.

“the high command announces the reorganization of the main operational headquarters of the Libyan army and the appointment of officers who can effectively lead the battle, and to respond to changing combat conditions,” — reads the statement of the speaker of the LDF.

Earlier, the LDF was informed of the relocation outside Tripoli for the resumption of the talks of the military Committee (5+5). However, according to the official representative of the LDF Ahmed al-Mismari, forces of the NTC with the support of Turkish UAV began to strike of the army during its relocation.

In Libya, the confrontation between the national consensus Government (NTC) Fayeza Zarraga, which controls Tripoli and areas to the West of the country, and the Libyan national army under the command of Khalifa the Haftarot, more than a year trying to recapture the capital. Both sides claim that opponents are using weapons and manpower from the outside. In recent weeks, the NTC forces have reported significant progress in the battle for Tripoli and announced the intention to build on the success, to establish control over the city of Sirte and other areas to the East of the capital.