120 thousand hectares as forests are harvested annually in Russia according to the Ministry of environment. And another 30 thousand acres of green space, the country loses every year due to the transfer of forest Fund lands to other categories. To preserve the “lungs of the planet”, the Agency decided to change the rules of reforestation.

Planting new trees to replace cut for the conservation of forest resources is not enough, consider in the Ministry. Young seedlings need special care. Otherwise, all works are vain. New pine and birch trees do not survive either suffer from drought or flooding, or they crowd out the weeds more tenacious, but less valuable trees. However, under the current law farming practices in the obligations of those who cuts the wood, not included. Logging companies should only pay for any nature of damage, landed the same number of trees, how many cut down. This law gives the loggers a year.

the Environmental protection Agency came up with a compromise. Officials have drafted the amendments to the Forest code. They say an extension of the period of compensatory planting to three years. In exchange for these benefits the lumberjacks have to take care of each new tree: watering, treat against pests, loosen the soil and to destroy weeds. And in the first two years of life of young forests care of seedlings have twice a year.