There is also an Italian Aulla, located about 100 km from Genoa, in the morning, a bridge on a main road to collapse. Due to the moment due to the corona virus were only two cars on the bridge, when she fell and hit one and only one person is injured. Report this to the Italian media. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.

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According to Italian media, there were only two people on the bridge when she fell. One was not injured, and the other, lichtgewondnadat the vehicle due to debris being hit.

Due to the lockdown, the reason many people on the bridge, and a heavy toll was avoided. On a typical day you will be driving a lot of traffic on the bridge.
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a Lot of people are calling since the end of last year, for the closure of the bridge, after the bridge had been damaged. Drivers were constantly complaining about the myriad of cracks. The bridge has been repaired, but then came the criticism that the repair was not enough. The Experts were that there is no risk to the stability of the structure is ruled out, and the city council decided that the traffic on the bridge and was able to continue driving.

Aulla hotel is located about a hundred kilometers from Genoa, where, on the 14th of August of 2018, the major Morandibrug being destroyed. When the disaster came, and 43 people were killed.