Germany is longing for an early easing of the current output block, so that it can normalize our economic and social life again soon. Since the infection numbers have reduced by the present measures, plead in favour of it, after Easter, a easing for Not-at-risk groups to allow for – say, for young age groups without pre-existing conditions.

The idea behind it: This is a controlled could take place by prevalence in the population to produce herd immunity. Because if a large part of the German population is immune, it can no longer spread the Virus is so strong. Therefore, herd immunity also provides those with a certain level of protection, are not immune.

“There is no precedent for the Functioning of a controlled infection”

to achieve This effect also with SARS-CoV-2, which some scientists see as a possible way out from the Corona-crisis holds, Bernd Salzberger, President of the German society for infectiology (DGI) in Heidelberg is simply wrong: “There is absolutely no precedent for the Functioning of a controlled infection,” explains the Professor.

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“that is Circulating the Virus spreading in the younger population, one must also expect that the infection will be transmitted in a kind of ‘spillover effect’ on other age groups,” argues the scientist. This could have dramatic consequences, so Salzberger. Because effective protection of particularly vulnerable groups of the population, i.e. people of higher age and/or with underlying diseases was not a guarantee with this strategy at all.

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“We would have to well over 100,000 deaths alone in the under 60-Year-old expected”

but that’s not enough. Because according to the infection, this strategy was lied to, not only for the risk group of fire dangerous: “Even if the mortality of Covid-19 is in the elderly is considerably higher, the number of deaths of unrestrained propagation among the young is enormous,” warns the scientist. “We would have to reckon with considerably more than 100,000 dead alone in the under 60-Year-old – the data available to us about this infection, to derive,” says Salzberger.

Whether or not against Corona or Influenza: how to protect yourself from viruses

should anyone Who wants to protect themselves from the corona virus, but also other respiratory tract infections, General hygiene rules to comply with. These are all respiratory infections the same.

  • wash hands frequently with soap and water. anti-microbial additives are not usually necessary. Also, the temperature of the water plays no role.
  • at Least 20 seconds to wash your hands.
  • After Washing, dry hands thoroughly.
  • keep your distance to people , the sneezing or coughing, and even disposable handkerchiefs use. After the coughing, Sneezing and blowing your Nose you should wash, also, as soon as possible the hands.

Therefore, plead the infection Loge and the DGI, in such a scenario, with catastrophic consequences not at all involved and continues to be a slowing of infection rates in all age groups. This includes the need for Monitoring of the spread and an increase in the test capacity, so that Tested positive can be isolated.

Mouth guard is an important part of the overall strategy

Other measures, recommended by salt-Berger strongly, the use of a Smartphone Tracking App for Covid-19, as well as the Wearing of mouth protection: “The mouth-nose protection protects a Healthy to get the infection. However, he can’t help that an Infected person gives the virus by droplet infection to others. With rising Infection Wearing of the mouth-nose protection in the population can be an important part of an overall strategy,” says Salzberger. Thus, the urgent health care needed masks are not used, recommends salt Berger, also on a self-made masks back to access.

Corona Talk with Dr. Spinner: Austria loosens Corona-measures, when we pull out? FOCUS Online Corona Talk with Dr. Spinner: Austria loosens Corona-measures, when we pull out? “Don’t know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview, FOCUS Online/Wochit “don’t Know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview
