a Total of 1173 people have been hospitalized with coronavirus in Denmark. Nearly half are printed again.

the 1173 persons are or have been hospitalized during the outbreak of coronavirus in Denmark, and almost half of them have come out so much, that they have been discharged again from the hospital.

The Danish health authorities don’t publish how many infected there are inlaid and printed from day to day.

The 1173 is the total number of admissions, since coronavirusset hit Denmark at the end of February. It shows a report from Statens Serum Institut.

Friday is 517 persons, who are infected with the corona virus, admitted to the hospital. At the same time, recorded 139 deaths.

the Back is a little more than 500 persons, which are not included in the inventory and thus no longer is admitted to a hospital.

the Figures are drawn from different registers, and there may be a certain delay of the statements. Therefore, the figures are not necessarily completely accurate.

The Danish authorities do not operate with a number of raskmeldte.

instead, it becomes classed as an over the infection, if you are not hospitalized or has died, 14 days after the virus was discovered.

Friday is that 1093 persons who are in the group with “over infection”. It is out of the 3757 persons who are found infected with the coronavirus, the latest figures on Friday afternoon.

As there at least must go 14 days before it can be counted as having completed its infection, there will be a part delay on the number.

Among all of the 1173 people who have been hospitalized with coronavirus, there is a clear predominance of men. 682 men have been hospitalized, while the apply to 491 women.

almost 60 percent of the inpatients have been admitted in the course of the last five years with diseases such as diabetes, cancer, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, or blood disorders.
