The 2022 census has been running in Germany since this week, for which more than 30 million people in Germany have to answer questions. We explain what the survey is about, what questions are asked and what you should definitely pay attention to.

A census called the census has been running in Germany since Sunday. It’s the first in eleven years. In total, more than 30 million people are surveyed.

According to an EU regulation, all member states are obliged to determine the current population figures every ten years. The last census took place in 2011. Because of the pandemic, the census was postponed from 2021 to 2022. Anyone who is selected for this is obliged to participate. FOCUS Online explains what you need to know about the big survey.

The census is a statistical survey intended to provide up-to-date data on how many people live and work in Germany and how they live. be there


Attention: Information on income is not collected! ID and social security numbers as well as bank and credit card and account information are not requested either. The vaccination status is also not part of the survey.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, this regular inventory is necessary in order to have reliable basic figures for political decisions at federal, state and local level. The updated figures are used to divide up constituencies – the distribution of votes in the Bundesrat is also based on the number of inhabitants. In addition, compensatory payments such as the state financial equalization and the municipal financial equalization as well as EU subsidies are calculated accordingly.

The 2022 census primarily uses data from administrative registers, which are supplemented with surveys of part of the population. This affects around 30 of the more than 83 million inhabitants who are randomly selected using a mathematical random process. Based on this survey, the results are extrapolated to the entire population.

A complete data collection takes place in dormitories and communal accommodations – here data on all residents are collected because there are often incorrect figures due to the high fluctuation.

In addition, all private owners of apartments or buildings with living space are surveyed for the building and apartment census (GWZ), as well as commercially active multiple owners and administrators, as well as other persons entitled to dispose of and use buildings or apartments.

Yes. Participation in the census is mandatory. If a person is abroad at the time of the survey, another adult household member can also provide information. According to the Federal Statistical Office, anyone who does not comply with the obligation to provide information despite repeated requests can be subject to fines or penalties. Normally, these are around 300 euros. Anyone who still refuses and does not provide information could even face imprisonment.

Those who have been selected for the 2022 census will receive a notification by post from the responsible state statistical office or from the municipal survey office. Attention: An invitation to participate is never sent by e-mail and link or even by telephone, but only by post in advance!

Around twelve percent of the population is interviewed by an on-site household survey. These are announced about a week before the survey date by letter or postcard. On the announced date, they carry out an existence assessment on site. They determine how many and which people live in the apartment to be included. This takes about ten minutes.

In order to carry out their work, survey officers receive an ID card which they must carry with them during their survey activity and, if requested, show it together with an official photo ID.

no There is no obligation to allow the interviewer entry. You can conduct the interview at the door or answer the questions yourself online. The interviewer will give you your personal access data.

The data collected for the census is only evaluated anonymously and is not passed on to authorities outside the Federal Statistical Office. Disclosure to registration authorities, the police or the tax office is prohibited by law. The data will therefore be deleted as soon as possible after the evaluation. The results of the census are expected to be available by the end of 2023.