Over the last two months of life in the world, has changed beyond recognition, and only one thing has remained constant — the neighbors, as before, continue to drill, talk loudly, listen to horrible music and sing songs. One consolation: according to our collection, this is not you are not lucky, the neighbors rarely cause warm chuvstva now a lot are in universities, and everywhere young Directors make movies about zombies! On the one hand, I understand them — it’s pretty cheap, but it’s actually the worst neighbor is a living neighbor.The next day Ivan Ivanovich in a fever. He seemed to all that the hated neighbor in revenge, at least, set fire to his house. And thus he gave command of the Rank constantly met everywhere, not planted there somewhere dry straw. Finally, to prevent Ivan Nikiforovich, he decided to run ahead and file a hare on his petition to the court Mirgorodsky povet.The Bible tells us to love your neighbor, it also says to love your enemy. Perhaps because it is one and the same person.The fear of the possibility of a meeting with someone from disgruntled neighbors got him Sunday morning to cross the threshold of his apartment. This should admit that he has not experienced an overabundance of energy throughout the body. It seemed to him that his head hurts every hair, and that it is worth it to look around as his eyes immediately fall out from the sockets.One of the greatest joys in life is to listen to the neighbors. It helps to understand that none of you went to the roof.Ganin could not sleep; in the legs ran down my spine, and cushion tortured head. And in the night, behind the wall, his neighbor Alferov began to hum. Through the thin wall he could hear it plops on the floor, then bliss, then leaving, and Ganin was lying and was angry. When rolled the shaking of the train, Alferov voice mixed with the hum, and then pop up again: Tu-u-u, Tu-Tu, Tu-u-u.Neighbor for hours talking with the hostess. Both talking quietly, the owner is almost inaudible, the worse. It had two days ago, the work is interrupted. Who knows how long. Utter despair. Is it in each apartment?Right across from my apartment here was a wedding, probably the only six miles in the County. I haven’t slept all night, and even the entire first half of the current day was spoiled, because the cry and jokes even accompanied by the laying of the dowry. All were in a conspiracy against my work.Anna D. Epifanova twenty years before her husband’s death she lived apart from him occasionally in St. Petersburg, where she had relatives, but mostly in the village of Mytishchi, which was three miles from us. In ecolodge talked about her lifestyle such horrors that Messalina compared to her was an innocent child. As a consequence, some mother and requested that her house was not mentioned even the name of the Epifanova; but, withabsolutely not ironically speaking, it was impossible to believe and the worst tenth of all sorts of gossip village neighborhood gossip.If briefly to describe my films, I would have stopped at the definition of “civil war”. Not literally, of course. But it is a war that is fueling all of these war. Take, for example, our relations with neighbors.Aunt Trissy heads of the local conservatives, and his sister and during the break between debates were drinking tea with the locals to secure the election of their votes. On the question of whether to vote for the conservatives, one old woman replied: “Yes, miss, perhaps I will. A neighbor of mine is the labour, and her chickens all my greens pecked”. Now, if you think about it, what determines the Ministers and the ministries. This is the real democracy.The idea of freedom there are painful, even pathologically, my neighbor is Puerto Rican makes horrible music, and if I make a remark to him, he did not even get nasty in response, he simply does not understand what I mean, he will be shocked, because I encroached on his freedom, for his “privacy”.Silently enjoy the view of the success of their labor is immoral. Certainly in this case, let the neighbours will excuse me.Too well known to us that we should not overly rely on a neighbor, that look, will give you the plague, take a minute of your gullibility and infect you.”Do not buy the yard, and buy a neighbor”, says the proverb, and all the nobility, what is the neighbor golofeevsky master. No need, that the world you are recovering, you his court, Satan will harass. And as anger (even anger, but rather of moral ossification), covered with hypocrisy, always leads to some superstitious fear, that the new “neighbors” (Judas very warmly calls them “neighbors”) timidly bowed from the waist, passing the bloodsucker.Recently the neighbor kid threw a rock at me. Well, nothing — this ant nests of Italians from the neighboring house I have kept so many guns, that they can start the siege right now.First we lived here (he showed the two-storey brick house), and now, proletarian, moved here (he pointed to the rickety wooden legalism). And I Shoe Polish, as you can see, I cook. At the labour exchange signed — unemployed… If the neighbor does not carry, somehow we’ll cope.The dream of a flying carpet was transformed into a boring cash Desk “Aeroflot”, the dream of harp-samogudy turned into a deafening roaring tape the neighbor behind the wall… Just a myth, embodied in the reality of losing a huge proportion of their original appeal.Call the house doctor of the village clinic was Telnova vdiva, somehow indecent in front of the neighbors — say, lady.I’ve no surprise — it’s best to think about the neighbors as parasites. Need to get rid of any�� before they get too close.