the American science is going to “clean” money from the Chinese, and America itself, from the Chinese students, which event was a Capitol hill perceive as a threat to national security. What will this risky initiative? And what is the attitude of a scientist, who is called “the Creator of the coronavirus”?

In January, the FBI arrested a chemist Charles Lieber Harvard scientist with a world name, whose track record there is that Nobel prize. However, the case has received international attention is not the only reason – the accusations against Liberia was based on his illegal relations with the Chinese government.

A little over a month later, he was named “Creator of the coronavirus, and it is easily seen, breaking his name in English (Charles Lieber) or Russian. At Harvard, Lieber was head of the Department of chemical biology and worked closely with the University of technology in the city of Wuhan, which began with the global pandemic. Diehard security messaging app Institute of Virology, located at the center of all conspiracy theories about the origin of the coronavirus that is the same.

This is a typical example of the notorious “fake news” and “climate” – Liber has no relation to viruses, the American state claims against him of a different kind. They can be described as a suspicion of industrial espionage, but the chemist charged only that he hid from the authorities the fact of their funding from China, where a scientist received half a million dollars.

Tramp suspected who and the China conspiracy

He did, quite frankly, ugly as another major donor Libera was made by the government. Under American law, as General logic, it has a right to know about foreign sources of funding a researcher to avoid conflict of state interests. Lieber gave false information about his income, although when guided by it, it may not have spyware purpose, and a banal greed. Otherwise, he not only risked losing state orders, was forced to share Chinese money with Harvard University.

Anyway, the chemist fell victim to the spy mania that swept American science long before the world learned about COVID-19. The FBI staged a real hunt for scientists, suspecting them of working for China against American interests. This literally leads to casualties, for example, the famous physicist Zhang Shouchen committed suicide, unable to withstand the pressure on him.

Such processes are often compared to the McCarthy era – the postwar “shameful period”, when the intelligence services shook the country in search of cryptocommunist. But the FBI can understand. Few people bother to suspect China in that it trades theft intelligence��heating property and copying technologies on an industrial scale, in addition, many scientists are indeed arrested in the US, not remind you of the innocent victims: someone infiltrated American science, hiding the officer’s insignia of the Chinese army, and someone was caught trying to export to China of laboratory materials.

In any case, the anti-Chinese hysteria in the KGB – a sign of a particular historical period of the presidency of Donald trump. Under Obama, Washington and Beijing could more or less get on at least the issues of economic cooperation, and the then Vice-President and current presidential candidate of the Democrats, Joe Biden is considered a good friend of the Chinese government.

Not that trump, who won the elections, including the complexes of Americans to the growing China and promises to return to work blue collar, moving the actual production from China back to the United States.

His cadence is marked by the attack on the Corporation Huawei, which has become the main competitor to the us “silicon monsters” and, according to the White house, snooping in the interests of the Chinese government. In parallel, they unleashed a trade war with China per se, in which Beijing is likely to retreat than attack, the reason is the way that trump is a temporary phenomenon, and would be cheaper to wait out the storm than “to beat pots” with all the America.

Finally, the FBI was directly pitted against the scientists associated with the Chinese project “a Thousand minds”. The nominal essence of the project – recruitment of scientific workers of Chinese origin. In reality, did not disdain anyone, since the Chinese roots does not guarantee loyalty even minus those who have left China for political reasons.

Diaspora of ethnic Chinese (Han), though retain cultural ties with the homeland, as a rule, loyal to the government of the host country and not asking for the role of “fifth column” (otherwise, the same Singapore, where Han Chinese make up confident a national majority, it would be in the Wake of Beijing).

In other words, the current coronaries and suspicions of Washington that the Chinese bribed who and was intentionally downplayed the danger of an epidemic, not predetermined, and continued interstate conflict followed by a phase of “new McCarthyism.”

Otherwise, perhaps, could not be. Living on a separate continent, separated from the hot spots of the oceans, formed the Americans have a sense of invincibility, backed by huge spending on defence and security (the Pentagon budget more than the combined defense budget of countries, taking 2-10 positions in the world ranking of military spending). As a result, damage to the USA on their territory is perceived very painful and entails stringent countermeasures.

So it was after 11��September, when the Americans got involved in several wars and so-called “patriot act,” untie the hands of security services. This happens now, when one-fifth of all U.S. citizens can stay without work, and economic consequences for the country is compared not only with the great depression, and the devastation of the civil war.

Another thing is that the “new McCarthyism” aimed at men of science, the American media compared not only with McCarthyism but also with quite racist in fact the period of “fight against yellow peril.” Only the place of Japanese as “Eastern barbarians”, were herded into a kind of concentration camps despite the presence of American citizenship, in the public mind was occupied by the Chinese.

the New Senator McCarthy’s name is Tom cotton.

He is also a Senator of the deaf in the South (Arkansas), a veteran of two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) and rising star of the Republican party. It is even called a possible successor of trump, referring to the election of 2024, but the conservatives probably wishful thinking cotton is still too conservative, for example, advocates for the almost complete cessation of immigration to America.

But it is now at the forefront of the fight against China waged by the White house, gushing with new ideas. Investigation for possible concealment of information on coronavirus – his idea, and claims against the official Beijing filed by affected Americans got it, Harvard lawyer, professional support.

Now the cotton requires to put a legislative barrier in the way of Chinese students coming to study in the United States. There are many, very many – up to 30% of all foreign students, about 200 thousand people. Those who are planning to Humanities like English literature, the Senator proposes not to touch it – let them come. But physics, chemistry, medicine – all of which should be for the Chinese banned because knowledge is power and the US can not strengthen their enemies.

This is a very radical and controversial proposal was a “trial balloon” and checks the reaction of the American audience. If it is positive, the initiative cotton will adopt personally trump whose victory was the election in November is not a foregone conclusion.

But even if the idea of involving the deportation of tens of thousands of people legally arrived in the USA and studying there under the contract, will be received with hostility, it will not save nor Harvard, nor Yale, nor the other “ivy League” from investigating financial ties with Beijing, the potential volume of which is estimated at billions of dollars.

It’s easy to assume, when scientists of which country will be checked at the next stage of the campaign and what students sift for signs of unreliability. Of course, the Russian, especially WHabout them, as in the case of the Chinese, is maintained by an artificial stereotype they can’t “just learn” is either a spy, or “children of the elites” with which Washington has tuned in to a lengthy and costly trench warfare.