In a pandemic coronavirus COVID-19 in the second quarter of 2020, US GDP decreased by 32.9%, reported the Ministry of trade. This is a record for US GDP.”The decline in GDP in the second quarter reflected the reaction to COVID-19, as in March and April in some parts of the country were partially lifted the lockdown, announced in March and April, and the government payments as a pandemic assistance was directed to households and enterprises”,— stated in the message of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Reuters analysts had forecast a fall of GDP to 34.1%.According to the American Department, in the first quarter U.S. GDP declined by 5%. Over the same period last year, US GDP grew by 2.9%. In the second quarter of 2019, the country’s GDP growth amounted to 1.5%. The U.S. Department of Commerce added that indicators for the second quarter of 2020 may not fully reflect the economic consequences for the country by the pandemic. Updated analysis of the economic situation in the US will be published by the Agency in a month, August 27. Now US authorities are preparing another package of assistance to the population and economy affected by the pandemic. The package is estimated at $1 trillion. In General, support the American economy already has allocated more than $2.9 trillion.On the new aid package — in the material “Kommersant” “the Unemployed get less.”