Ukraine’s defense ministry has accused Russian forces of torture, but now a dentist has challenged the government agency’s allegations. It is about a picture of gold teeth that are said to come from torture chambers.

A serious suspicion by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense could turn out to be unfounded. A dentist refutes statements by the government agency, reports the “image”.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry accuses Russian forces of torturing Ukrainians. The government agency circulated two images on Twitter that were intended to provide visual evidence. The words: “A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski. 2 photos. A gas mask placed on the head of a victim who was covered with a smoldering rag and buried alive. And a box of gold dental crowns. A mini Auschwitz. How many more will be found in occupied Ukraine?”

The tweet caused great outrage. International media took up the topic and spoke of Russian torture chambers – war crimes that could have far-reaching consequences. Although many Ukrainian victims have already reported Russian torture, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s account seems to have given the wrong impression, a dentist from the recently liberated village of Pisky-Radkivski (eastern Ukraine) told Bild.

The teeth reportedly coming out of the mouths of tortured Ukrainian victims appear not to have come from the dead or tortured, but from patients at a local dentist. He says to “Bild”: “These teeth look like the ones from my collection that were looted here. I’m the only dentist here. So if they were found here, they must be mine.”

His guess: Russians could have taken the teeth from his house, which was looted. He believes that Putin’s forces considered them valuable because they thought they were real gold. The doctor makes it clear that this is just stainless steel, the report says.

In addition, the crowns do not come from dead people. They are from people who have been treated by the dentist in recent years. “I took those teeth out because they were bad. In 30 years I have removed tens of thousands of teeth, this is just a fraction of them. Sometimes I pull five to eight teeth a day, and that in 33 years of my practice,” he told “Bild”.

US intelligence services suspect that Ukraine could be behind the assassination attempt on the daughter of Russian nationalist Alexander Dugin. Immediately after the attack, Ukraine denied involvement in the assassination. Concerned tones are now coming from the USA.

The Russian army is currently fighting on many fronts in Ukraine. For President Vladimir Putin, however, a multi-front battle is also opening up at home. Disputes rage between military bloggers, veterans and the “Siloviki”, Putin’s military elite. He’s in a dilemma.

Ukraine continues to gain territory in the south. The army was able to liberate other places around Cherson. An animated map from a Russian media service also shows how quickly the advance succeeds in some cases.