we are Going to have a quiet transferzomer against them, and without the millions of people in the fly? It is only to be expected, because of the stranglehold of the corona virus, the transferwaarden players, a lot of the bags. For each of the five major European leagues, it would lose 28 per cent.

SEE ALSO. “If this season is any match play, it drops to the transferwaarde soccer players with a 28-percent”:

This is the decline that occurs in the scenario where there is no competition, the more it is played, and no contract extension prior to the end of June, will be implemented. According to the researchbureau CIES, when the total transferwaarde of the players in the Bundesliga, Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A and La Liga over that of 32,7 billion euros to 23.4 billion euros.

as for our main competition, the crisis has undoubtedly a negative impact on the transferwaarden of the players. With Jonathan and David, AA Gent manager Michel Louwagie is a nugget around which the club is eager in the line up. He doesn’t immediately panic: “with A precise number, paste it in the fall, it is a difficult exercise. You have to differentiate a function of age. For young talent, but still have to be paid. For a player that is 30 is approaching, it is different. At this stage of their careers, they move, often down to their last club, and then to the à fonds perdue . The transfer fee should be deducted in a short period of time, there will be large differences can be seen. Belgian football is still ahead of it, so perhaps it will be our main leaders, however, are less affected than we thought.”

making random guess:

the Other voetbalmanagers to remain on the surface. “There is no doubt this virus will have a severe impact on all walks of life, so it is also in the game of football. Today, it is still very difficult to say how far that impact will be,” is to hear from you.

Also a football agent, Stu Francis also urges us to exercise caution, but keep in mind that it is never favorable to the transferwaarden of the players as much as they can for a long period of time will do that. He believes that the prices of this summer, the frying pan will be everywhere.“It is still a little bit of making random guess but in soccer, there is a market of supply and demand. It is, therefore, inevitable, that is, if you don’t play matches, and therefore revenue, is missing, and the clubs as their players will be less able to pay, and the budgets will be forced to change. Some of the clubs that will be on the edge of the cliff, or even go bankrupt. With more players in the market, and the less of your budget, it’s easy to believe that those prices are going to drop.”