Surprising that the more absurd the allegations are, the faster they find their niche in the public consciousness of several countries, and even become official sounding. So, for example, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which actually puts it on a par with Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, hinting or outright saying that the USSR was responsible for starting world war II.

the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has rigidly suppress such allegations, urging the international community not to leave unanswered the open promotion of certain States of misanthropic ideas of racism and anti-Semitism, and attempts to distort the truth about the second world war and justify the aggressors and their accomplices. About Vladimir Putin said recently at a Holocaust forum in Jerusalem, stressing that Russia is systematically and consistently working in this field. Thus, the basic position of countries in the fight against false allegations may be based on his thesis that “to oppose attempts to rewrite and falsify history only reasoned truth”. As practice shows, this method is tested time and really exposes the most absurd fictions and sophisticated slander of our enemies.

the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbai Jeenbekov at last year’s meeting of the Council of collective security of the CSTO in Bishkek, said: “We must not forget our common history and are bound together to speak out against attempts to rewrite it”. January 27, 2020 at the meeting-Requiem in honor of the anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, the President of Kyrgyzstan said: “the Kyrgyz people remember the story and will strongly oppose attempts to rewrite it. History of the siege of Leningrad is the story of the unity of the Soviet people, including Kyrgyz and Russian peoples. And its liberation from the blockade, and then shared the Victory in the great Patriotic war – this Holy memory that should never be left in oblivion”. The great Patriotic war and victory in it, are among the most tragic and simultaneously heroic pages of our common history unites the fraternal countries on the basis of historical memory, a common understanding of the ideals of peace, humanism and good neighbourliness.

With growing alarm, watching the distortions in the coverage of the great Patriotic war in the West, we consider it absolutely unacceptable to portray the battle against Nazism and fascism, “a fight between two genocidal regimes,” to deny a just, liberating character of this war for our people, try to imagine the mission of the red Army, which liberated eleven European countries, “the Soviet occupation”. The preaching of the doctrine of “equal responsibility of the Nazi and Soviet regimes” at the outbreak of the Second world war has no historical basis and no moral justification and the duty of all civilized States is opposition at the state level, any attempts of rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi criminals and their accomplices, as well as fair and unbiased coverage of events and consequences of war, with respect to the immortal feat of our fathers and grandfathers.

more than 360 thousand Kyrgyz citizens took part in the great Patriotic war, of whom one in five have returned home. During the war years, Kyrgyzstan received more than 300 thousand evacuated Soviet citizens, equipment more than 30 industrial companies from the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Collective and state farms of the Republic have handed over to the defense Fund of more than 74 thousand tons of grain and more than 8 thousand tons of meat. The outrageous looks are now seeing an unprecedented aggression against the outcome of the Second world war, which in its scale threatens the national security of both countries.

it Should be noted that the falsification of the history of events, outcomes and lessons of the great Patriotic war has always been an essential feature of modern Western military historiography and propaganda. Especially it concerns the prehistory of the second world war where lies and absurdity replaces the story.

the Main direction of fraud – an attempt to impose on the public the idea that the main culprits in world war I are Hitler and Stalin. The purpose of all this is to confuse the question of the causes of the second world war and great Patriotic war; to justify the government and the financial oligarchy of the leading world powers of that time – the main culprits of the incident; present in a distorted light of the history of wars; to distort the facts of Soviet involvement in the war with the Third Reich, to belittle the contribution of our country to the Victory over fascism. Some modern “stamps fraud” is built on samples of Nazi propaganda, where the main thesis of “the more monstrously the lie, the more it affects the minds of the layman”.

Today we are faced with a monstrous cynical slander that tries to break historical and moral code of perception of the great Patriotic war through the implementation of the official ideology and mass consciousness of a significant number of different “black myths” about the nature of war, the scale of losses, the key moments of the fighting, the price of Victory, etc. All these attacks all the more convince us that to resist this aggression on our history can only be due to the consolidation of society on the basis of memory of feats of our fathers and grandfathers, strengthening the sense of belonging of citizens to the great history of the state.

However, it is impossible not to understand that the systematic and cynical psychological pressure forgers of different colors, including private citizens living in our countries, and carry out orders of the Western patrons – are a real threat to internal stability. Can not but cause concern and indignation the statements of some politicians, a separate publication in a conventionally “independent” media, rewriting the history of the state, quasi-scientific works of other figures, allowing a clear “historical negativity” and “revisionism” with the use of methods and means are unacceptable in the historical discourse.

as the falsification of history threatens the national security of the state, this largely explains the introduction to the modern scientific use of such new concepts as “mnemonic security” – security of memory about the history of his people and the state. The current Russian legislation contains a number of provisions emphasizing the importance of joint work of Federal and regional public authorities, civil society institutions and various organizations against any attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia’s interests. Thus, in particular, in this strategic planning document of key importance for the implementation of internal and external policy of the state, as the national security Strategy of the Russian Federation (UTV. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 31.12.2015 N683), the issue of manipulation in some countries the public consciousness and the falsification of history in the geopolitical order. It should be noted that the counter attempts to falsify Russian and world history is seen as a threat to national security in the field of culture, as a strategic national priority.

Implemented currently, the foreign policy Concept of the Russian Federation as independent tasks clearly indicates the need to “firmly oppose any manifestations of extremism, neo-Nazism, racial discrimination, aggressive nationalism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia, attempts to falsify history and use it for instigating confrontation and revanchism in the world politics, attempts to revise the results of world war II, contribute to the depoliticization of historical discussions.”

the Approach of the Russian legislator to counteract the falsification of history suggests that this should be carried out in the framework of the state cultural and educational policy and programme on Patriotic education of citizens. And much is being done: in 2014, changes to the criminal code of the Russian Federation, which criminalized the act as “Rehabilitation of Nazism” (article 354.1) – “denial of facts established by the verdict��m the International military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the major war criminals”. This article includes two qualified corpus delicti (according to paragraph 2 and 3).

we Should recognize that today the falsification of history, usually associated with the deliberate distortion of historical data of world war II. However, if we consider the “falsification of history”, as the offense as a whole, it is unacceptable approach, in which “history” (world history or the history of a separate people) will have any timeframe and confined to the period of the Second world war or other events of global or regional scale. Therefore, a regulatory required specification, pursuant to the legislative rules of legal technique, such alleged offenses as “falsification of history” may qualify as a crime falling under article 354.1 to the Criminal code of the Russian Federation. And, in this case, is in General sufficient legal tool to deal with such a falsification of history that really represents a danger to the public.

“Practical applicability of the provisions concerning the prohibition of “falsification of history” can cause a large number of issues which will require clarification and elaboration. First of all, we should be clear on what is meant by the term “falsification”. What is a “history” as the history of mankind, state, nation, a separate nation, and the question is, what is the source of the facts which must be recognized as valid, with the exception of acts of international judicial institutions. It is necessary to do in order to fully separate the actions of politicians, scientists, and other subjects, expressing their own opinions and views on questions of history, from the “falsification of history”.

Kyrgyz Legislation does not contain specific offences such as “rehabilitation of Nazism”, “promotion of nationalist symbols”. In this regard, and in accordance with recommendations for the improvement of national legislation of member States of the CSTO in combating the spread of fascism and its manifestations, it is proposed to recommend the introduction of the concept of rehabilitation of Nazism and formulations about the promotion of Nazi symbols with the establishment of measures of legal responsibility.

however, the counter manifestations of Nazism should not be limited to the establishment of measures of legal liability and tougher sanctions against already committed acts aimed at the spread of Nazism and its manifestations. So, no less important is the prevention of such offenses, including enlightenmKai activities aimed at the formation among the population of the state and the individual personality of the representations of the exceptional degree of public danger of Nazism and its manifestations. Also it is necessary to establish restrictions on admission of persons for employment in the public service and elected public office, convicted of crimes in the sphere of distribution and the rehabilitation of Nazism.

the national security Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic specifies that in the face of increasing global threats and security challenges requires the construction of a multinational state, in which there should not be discrimination on ethnic, linguistic, religious and other characteristics. The foreign policy concept of the Kyrgyz Republic, establishes that the country is actively promoting initiatives for peace, security, humanitarian dialogue and other topical issues of international life. Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On countering extremist activities” concept “extremist activity” includes “propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbolism similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols confusingly”.

According to the Charter of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg of the murder and extermination of civilians before and during the war constitute crimes against humanity and no Statute of limitations. The provisions also stipulated in the section “Crimes against international legal order” of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

to Help in combating the rewriting of history can and international experience. So, in a number of countries – Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Israel, Luxembourg, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland criminalized the denial of certain historical events. Relevant regulations of these countries contain a precise indication of the concrete facts of history, the denial of which comes to legal liability.

it is important to support any proposals from the management of international organizations, official representatives of individual States and non-governmental organizations to hold events of different type and level for the purpose of attracting attention to the problem of falsification of history. The creation of new platforms of discussion on improving the effectiveness of measures to prevent and suppress attempts of falsification of history is an urgent task for the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Currently, it is advisable to submit for discussion matters using existing legal, institutional and information mechanisms to counter the falsification of history, with no formal introduction of legislation�� new banning rules, lacking the proper enforcement of the effect.

August 5, 2019, the Council of CIS heads of state statement in connection with the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second world war, which unfortunately marked by attempts of rewriting history and its falsification. 11 Oct 2019, the Council of CIS heads of state appealed to the peoples of Commonwealth and world community in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war, which condemned any attempts to falsify history, to forget or devalue the role of our people in the Victory over fascism, to cynically distort its moral and legal results.

on the eve of the anniversary of the victory of one of our most important tasks States, including their parliaments, moral and Patriotic education of youth on examples of heroism of the Soviet people in the great Patriotic war, the perpetuation of memory of Defenders of Fatherland, the legislative consolidation of these tasks. It is necessary to fight by all available means against the falsifiers of historical truth. And parliamentarians should be at the forefront of this struggle.