The author of the Serbian edition “Print” dupe Bilbija analyzed “contradictory” accusations of Western media against Russia: on the one hand, they call Russia weak, but at the same time, I consider it a major threat and called for new sanctions.

Bilby drew attention to the statement by the us diplomat Hal of Brands. In a recent article for the Polish website “Forsal” Brends said that the West underestimates Russia and its President, willing to take great risks for the sake of “geopolitical achievements.”

Bilby noted that Brends in the materials uses the rhetoric of the cold war and, along with other Western experts forms the public opinion in European countries. Bilbija said that the American diplomat did not mention the main goals of Russia: the neutralization of the aggressive NATO expansion and fighting against Russia by the US action in Europe.

“Silent about the fact that Moscow considers the European countries are potential allies and partners,” – said Bilbija.

Brends claims that the Kremlin wants to exacerbate the crisis of liberal democracy with disinformation and interference in elections.

“again the question arises: how such a weak Russia may provoke discord and undermine elections within the “strong and democratic West”? Or the West is not so strong as it seems, and Russia is not so weak, if she turns out like that?” asked Bilbie.

Statements of Brands he called “far-fetched” and said that the diplomat is trying in this way to intimidate Europe, to Russia, to preserve the obedience of the Europeans to Washington.

Bilby noted that the US did not give Europe to make independent decisions demonstrated sanction the scandals of the “Nord stream-2” and “Turkish stream.” The author noted that Russia pursues its own interests and should not fall under the sanctions only due to the mismatch between the interests of Americans.

The author has noticed that “weak Russia” managed to build in Europe for three of the gas pipeline despite the US pressure. He also was surprised that the “weak Russia” can be considered a threat to NATO.

“Putin demonstrates every day that Russia can only speak as equals, and the “serious threat” of the West reacts mostly with humor and laughter,” wrote Bilbija.

How to write “Rambler”, informed about the Russian threat, said British writer and historian Owen Matthews. In his opinion, President Vladimir Putin is helping the West to self-destruct.

In his article for The Spectator Matthews said that the Kremlin and the Russian trolls are trying to exaggerate the problems of the West, using a variety of premises, including the movement Black Lives Matter. He noted that the FBI warned of an increasingly dangerous information attacks Russia.

“Russia may ��help – and, of course, helps America and its allies to destroy themselves,” said the writer.