The star told how not to become a

Actress Janina Melehova with daughter Anna-Maria in the mode of self-isolation since March 16. From the day when was signed the decree that closed the theatres cancelled performances, stop a shooting. At the same time announced that the gathering of more than 50 people is impossible.

– this was announced some 15 hours, and within minutes, my body workaholic took a break. I’m sick. And it is strong, with a high temperature. So in isolation I didn’t do baby, as she me.

Seven-year-old daughter of actress Anna Maria grows very sympathetic and caring girl. Seeing mom exhausted, she nearly cried, but quickly pulled myself together. According to the memoirs of Janina, she doesn’t remember her body so much had gone wrong.

– . I couldn’t get out: we needed something to feed the baby. Hardly understand how I ever will. Annie saw me in this state said, “mom, don’t worry, I’ll prepare myself.” And left. From the kitchen came the sound of the cartoon and the thunder of dishes. Well, let plays I thought. Like 15 minutes later she came to me with the shapers, which was covered with the dough. In her hands there were two kinds of cupcakes — with sea-buckthorn jam and chocolate. However, she still apologized when the jam broke in the test. And came to me not for help, and for permission to go to neighbor — our friend – to put the cupcakes in the oven. We have no oven. The dessert was very tasty. Asked: how you did that. What Annie was surprised, and said,” Well, what of it? Took flour, milk, sugar, mixed to the consistency of liquid sour cream, I went and baked”. Since then, the baking of the cupcakes was for my daughter’s most favorite pastime in quarantine.

the Cold Melekhova not passed and she passed the test coronavirus. Fortunately, he turned out to be negative and the whole family gasped. Then the actress with a calm soul had sent our daughter to a country house to his parents. Itself completely isolated themselves from them so as not to infect. With his girka continues his studies, deals on-line, playing in the yard in the fresh air. And seeing as my mother is sick and worried about the abolition of work, Anna began to do for her so-called “antistress” or “dampers”.

– Take balloons and fill them with sand, pebbles, beads. While I can see it all on video calls, but I feel that when we meet, I will stress for the year ahead – laughed Janina.

the Famous designer Mila Marcel wished everyone good health, warmth and love. She firmly believes that we need to be together for some time in their homes and apartments, where you can always find something to their liking, and thus help it to stop this process.

– During the quarantine, we of children and adults turned into a full family of seven people: three children — Anna, Sasha and Masha, and four adults: me, husband, my mom and our helper says Mila. – A large family required strict rules. First, we live on the regular schedule and not on vacation. The children get up at 8 in the morning, brush my teeth, eat Breakfast and sit down for lessons. My husband has also organized a working day mode, to remotely run and don’t turn into “pajama animals.” Second, a strict rule: in order to avoid panic at the family table are not discussing any topics related to the coronavirus. My husband and I read only the official press, the orders relating to the work and also with the forecasts in the business.

In school, son Sasha, canceled even deleted lessons, so my parents had to educate ourselves. Mom found a lot of interesting activities online, which makes now not only the son, but the eldest daughter, and the younger one tries to join.

We all love to cook, but it was so busy that doing it once. Now found and remembered lots of interesting recipes that everyone likes, and cook them together. For example, the children kneaded the dough, cut circles with glass, adult thingsUte meat. Of course, all help each other. Then sculpt the whole family dumplings. It’s very common. I try to introduce low-calorie recipes in food for the whole family. For example, Mary loves cow’s milk as I know how in adulthood, it is poorly absorbed by the body, translating it into almond and coconut. Wheat flour for the dumplings — model on a buckwheat and almond.