Tag: Women’s Yandex

People are isolated from normal life, slowly but surely fly into a rage. It is understandable — sense of supertaste in four walls is not conducive to peace and goodwill. First from the growth of the universal nervousness affected households: around the world in recent weeks, increasing the level of family violence, as psychologists predict a surge of divorces after release from quarantine.
The youngest daughter of Hollywood actors Bruce Willis and demi Moore Tallulah published in social networks frame with a family photo shoot, which they did in quarantine.
49-year-old Ukrainian and Russian pop singer, honoured artist of Ukraine Nikolay Trubach talked about a conversation he had with his family, including mom, once in 1997 he released the song "Blue moon" on his word and music by Kim Breitburg, which was performed with Boris Moiseev
When will the pandemic coronavirus in Russia depends on the Russians will comply with self-isolation and other regulations of the government. Said "the parliamentary newspaper" Advisor to the Director, Central research Institute of epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, academician Victor Maleev.
Candidate of biological Sciences, head of laboratory of ecology of viruses of SIC fundamental and translational medicine Cyril Ershov told RT about viruses that overcome cross-species barriers, and can be transferred from animals and insects to humans

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