In terms of lockdown in the UK in a difficult situation not only ordinary citizens, but, oddly enough, the super-rich people. Forced to send home their cooks, housekeepers, nannies, cleaners and other service personnel, they are faced with the need to independently carry out all the work that before was done by someone else, and, as it turned out, to make the bed can be so hard as to turn on the washing machine or replace toilet paper dispenser.In terms of lockdown most of the people have to be in isolation, except for those whose work is connected with life. The isolation requirements apply to those who provide the warmth and comfort of rich people, that is, the entire incoming staff in the mansions and apartments. Their wealthy employers were forced to send home its staff for the duration of the lockdown. In the first days after the owners of the mansions were left without cooks, housekeepers, cleaners, nannies and other peripatetic workers, they realized what they had. About how difficult to have in this period of her wealthy clients, told the Times newspaper founder and Chairman of recruitment Agency Polo & Tweed, specializing in the selection of personnel for wealthy clients, Lucy Challenger. “Customers want to know how — literally — you can wash the linen. Because never before have they used the washing machine on its own,” says Ms. Challenger. According to her, before the imposition of lockdown her Agency literally inundated with requests from wealthy clients with a demand to provide them with staff accommodation. “But we follow the instructions of the government and cannot offer such people. Their work is not related to life support,” she explains. However, given the number of requests, her Agency decided to create an advice service to help customers to access training courses.One of the clients Polo & Tweed shared that her entire life someone was serving, and her parents taught her no work around the house. Polo & Tweed advised her to attract children to the things that busy she is. For example, you can take them in the sort of underwear: let the search for a pair of socks and then make from socks toy animals. “While doing the deed, you can entertain and children— said Mrs. Challenger.— But they’ve never had to do it. Everything was done by the nanny. And if you have never had the experience of performing multiple tasks simultaneously like Laundry and playing with the children, then for you it very difficult.”Turning to recruiters not only with the Laundry and the children. They ask questions about how to make the bed. And the Agency made a detailed video of this. One of the clients couldn’t figure how to insert in dispenser new ruLoon toilet paper. Someone tried to clean the candlestick, took it apart for ease of cleaning, and then not be able to collect back. And the Agency explained how to properly clean the candlestick, and how it then to collect. Someone told me how to use a vacuum cleaner, like neatly folded sheets, in what order to carry out cleaning of the premises (“start from the top, from the ceiling, and finish the floor”), how to clean marble surfaces (“only special agents!”), how to wash silverware (“not in the dishwasher!”). Previously, they seldom ate at home, and then they were prepared by the chef. “And now this: you sit at home and have to cook for their entire family. This is a serious shock to the whole system,”— said Mrs. Challenger.According to her, many of her clients — highly educated and very successful people. But, when faced with unusual situations they prefer not to look for the answer in Google, and try to talk to an expert and seek help for recruiters. But, as considers the head of Polo & Tweed, lockdown will lead to growth of empathy. Previously, her clients believed that with the Ironing, you can easily cope for half an hour, but now I understand that it’s not easy. And perhaps even think about how that we ought to be gentle with the housekeeper when she finally go to work.Alena Miklashevskaya