Less known is that Chukovsky loved writers “to antirobot”. So, in 1919 on the eve of the 100th anniversary of N. A. Nekrasov, he began to address the well-known poets and writers questions about Nekrasov. The questions were simple: “do you Like poems of Nekrasov?”; “What the poetry of Nekrasov you think is the best?”; “Did Nekrasov’s influence on your music?” etc., He replied Alexander Blok, Nikolai Gumilev, Anna Akhmatova, Maxim Gorky, Yevgeny Zamyatin, and many others. It was interesting how the same questions are answered by various celebrities.

And in 1910 he dared “to antirobot” of Leo Tolstoy, sending him the question about his attitude to the death penalty. Leo Tolstoy said during his “care” of Optina, a few days before death Astapov. And that was the last text of Tolstoy, except for letters to relatives.

of course, I thought not keep to dress up in the mantle of the great Korney Ivanovich, but I found it interesting to send modern writers, are “quarantined”, your profile.

that’s what they said. The answers will appear on the website on Saturdays and Sundays.

Be healthy!

Your Pavel Basinsky

Where you now spend time (if not secret)?

– don’t Even spend time, or rather live as usual at home, on the Yenisei river. With the family. Into the forest went, but returned not to leave my family for a long time.

what are you working On? What are you reading?

– Working on the layouts of the book “Live mile”, as well as writing a book “42nd demand”. Also participated in the preparation of the artistic image (“design project”) of the book selected prose (“Three lessons”), which is prepared in Tobolsk Arkady G. Elfimova, our old friend, the ascetic and the head of Fund “revival of Tobolsk”. The design of this book has done a wonderful artist Ivan Lukyanov.

“Live mile” is a big and interesting book, it includes stories, excerpts from stories, novels and even a whole new autobiographical novel “Live mile” – the attainment of the Yenisei taiga. The book is called “Living a mile away. Reader Yenisei taiga”. Publishing has a bright educational bias. Affect Father-Enisey from the Mongolian border to the Taymyr inclusive. But the main thing – the book is decorated with illustrations by Vadim Alekseevich Gorbatov, a brilliant Russian artist-painter of animals. For the “Live mile” he has written portraits of a number of Siberian animals and birds: the Pallas’s cat (there is a Tomcat we have in Tuva), senostavks, of course, bear, reindeer and, of course, my favorite birds of prey: Alpine bearded vulture, Golden eagle, osprey, Goshawk.

the Book will be released in the Krasnoyarsk publishing house “Polikor”. This is the third joint publication. And “42nd demand” – what is thissomething like “the Last bow” Astafieva. The book is about his childhood and grandmother.

On reading: reading in fits and starts. Orthodox literature. Astafieva, soon is his birthday. Poems. But a lot of things. But it was in fits and starts. All thoughts on his own writings.

does your creativity a necessary isolation? The most productive creative time of A. S. Pushkin “Boldino autumn” of 1830, came on “the cholera quarantine.”

– I will not call this forced-isolation: on the contrary it is what is the dream of any writer. When the time to work on the books, which in a normal situation you have to win at life now belongs to you by right. Another thing – the overall picture of the troubles is that personal peace can not be an excuse. And another point: execution of public duties took a different form – all now require video recordings of writers reading passages, etc. So if you want to completely isolate themselves in the forest, in the hut. In General, isolation is the usual state of the writing person.

Public Affairs move, but a bit slower. Determined, as will be mounted in conditions of quarantine exhibition at the Museum of the taiga life in Baht, it was assumed that developers already in may will go for installation. The project turned out very beautiful. Currently working on an interesting task – to give to the Museum exhibition image of ancient Yenisei dialect. Work on the project reserve for the protection of trout and protection of the fishing lifestyle on the river Bakht also in the works. Recently spoke on this issue with the Deputy Minister of the province. So life goes on. The main thing that the quarantine was not a reason to weaken the life course.

How do you feel about black humor, which I read on the Internet: “Sitting at home. The street people”? That is, people is the danger, like wild animals. Don’t you think that we now live in a time of a new ethics and a new kind of style in the broadest sense of the word?

– To the black humor bad attitude. About the new ethics: everything is the fruit of an ideological policy that puts pressure from the nineties. Nothing surprising.

Can you think of any examples from Russian and world classics, where they were described about the current situation? (“The feast during the plague” not to call!)

– can’t remember. Here the situation is political. Crisis best the world elite.

Writer in Russia must be a prophet. What do you think: when will this end and what awaits us after this?

– Astafjevs with indignation: “I you that, God or the prophet?” Of course, not exactly, but the point about this. I do not know. Russia should use the situation to return to himself. And in General: “How to pray and how not to be afraid.”