we are Talking about drinking galleries in the Spa Park – Lermontov, Slavjanskom Smirnoff and a pump room. In addition to the facade renovation and redecoration of internal rooms it is planned to replace the pipes to supply mineral water, and tidy bowl. In addition, the pump rooms will set an interactive information panel and replace the furniture.

As a story told “RG” the head of the Zheleznovodsk Evgenie Moiseev, for these purposes from the regional budget has allocated about 25 million rubles. The most part of means will be directed on repair Levanovskogo the pump room, which is in a dilapidated condition and have not seen repairs for over 30 years.

– When we were planning the upgrade of the existing pump room, there were doubts, what time to hold it. The work is quite dusty, marble polishing, whitewashing and painting of the interior. It is clear that tourists are not very nice to be present at that time in the galleries. First I decided to do everything at night. Now, however, no tourists, and we use the period of self-isolation with the use of – said Moses.

by the Way, more recently the pump rooms in Zheleznovodsk became municipal. Previously, they were on balance of sanatorium of Ordzhonikidze, but keep drinking galleries – not the main scope of activities of the health centre. So they worked on schedule – three times a day for two hours, which was very uncomfortable. At this time there is a queue of those who wanted to drink soda. In the midst of the holiday season, the pump rooms Zheleznovodsk visited daily by over five thousand people, and the water that they consumed, also paid for the sanatorium.

the Gallery was not the center of public life of the city, and this is one of the main attractions of Sochi. Then we suggested to the operator from whom they were on balance, to transfer them in the municipal property, – says Moses.

Authorities have managed to negotiate with the Federal medical center, part of a complex which is the sanatorium. Because of Zheleznovodsk pump room is an important infrastructure facility. Of course, every year on their repair were allocated Federal money, but they were not enough to properly update the communication and to carry out reconstruction.

– Ostrovskii baths also are in Federal ownership, and the municipality has no access to them. So the object for many years without repair. And the Pushkin gallery, which for many years was in a terrible state, was restored after the transfer to the municipality a grant in property, now there are exhibitions of artists and other events, – said Moiseev.

After the pump room will be repaired, and in the region will relieve the regime of self-isolation, drinking mineral water will be in all day (with small breaks). Next to drinking galleries will set the int��interactive panels with information on developments in Zheleznovodsk.


Earlier in the pump room was installed “smart meters” that monitor the consumption of mineral water. They helped roughly estimate how many tourists is visiting the drinking gallery. The system works in the following way. From the data provided by the health centers, it is known that in the city there is a certain amount of holidaymakers who drink mineral water. Metering devices show how much water they drank. It turned out that on weekends, the consumption of mineral water increased. This suggests that the Zheleznovodsk has become popular among tourists coming for the weekend and not staying in the resorts.

the pump room of Zheleznovodsk was built in the first third of the last century: French in 1916, slavyanovskiy – in 1918, Smirnovskaya in 1930 – m. Renovation of the galleries and replacement of pipes has not been conducted since Soviet times.