First of all, the Minister said, the Ministry is preparing a proposal for the beginning of the rehearsal process for the Novosibirsk theatres and other institutions. The emphasis is on respecting absolutely all sanitary standards.

– We are not planning to reduce the number of festivals and fairs, including such major projects as the TRANS-Siberian art-festival and “Book of Siberia”. Moreover, we will hold more of them, of course, given the epidemiological situation and observing safety precautions, – said Natalia Yaroslavtseva.

the Minister noted that attempt to approach the development of a culture comprehensively, covering all aspects, including children’s art school, further education, education, access to libraries, access roads to the facilities and much more.

– We will support all directions, – assured the head of the Ministry.

the priority is the implementation of the national project “Culture”. Until 2024 in the Novosibirsk region it is planned to repair about 300 cultural institutions in rural areas, the establishment of 12 model libraries (four already in operation), commissioning of the 20 clubs.

the plans of the Ministry of culture – cooperation with the regional Ministry of physical culture and sports. Projects and areas of the two ministries will be integrated into each other that will enhance the overall effect.

Special attention during the press conference the Minister of culture gave to the development of theaters, their infrastructure and the development of formats and repertoires.

help “RG”

According to the Ministry of culture in the Novosibirsk region from 8 July for visitors opened in Novosibirsk local lore Museum, nature Museum and Museum-tourist complex “Suzun-plant. The mint”. To visit expositions of the Museum are subject to mask mode and after the measurement of body temperature at the entrance to the Museum. During the first week of museums has visited more than one thousand people in the Ministry of culture believe that the number of guests will increase.