as for the new corona virus has become infected, it makes little sense that he was in the house, separates from his partner. That the minister of Health, Maggie De Block (Open-Vld) – Sunday marked The sixth Day. Professor of microbiology, Herman Goossens, it is not, however, agree with this. Also, the fact that the curve of the number of infections now is whether or not it has tapered off, both of them are in cyprus.

The Block was about the way in which the thuisquarantaine is to be interpreted. Those who are infected with SARS-CoV-2, it should be in a private place, but the question is how it is with the household of the patient.

“Like a couple of forty year sleep, it doesn’t make sense for a person individually have to go and lie down, ‘ explained the minister for The Block. “In the basement, in the attic, which doesn’t make sense.” To make Contact with people outside the family, however, is out of the question, according to the minister of finance. At all times, keeping a distance, which is the ” golden rule.”

as of the explanation of The Block, Herman Goossens, and the “do not agree”. Professor of microbiology (UAntwerpen), as well as a guest on The Seventh Day, in reference to China, where couples in which one of the partners of the new corona virus infected it turns out, are strictly to be separated. The professor also pointed out that the virus is extremely contagious, which is something that many specialists are located at the beginning of their season to have it.

“are Premature, and very, very dangerous,”

you Requested to the latest figures, the number of new infections, and hospital admissions in our country is referred to Goossens to co-statistiscus Minute Hands of the university of Hasselt, who could be noticed that the curve of our country to the level it is. For Block, responded right away on Twitter. “Pre-announcements like this are irresponsible, and very dangerous. Now, more than ever, to persevere and continue. It is not yet over!”, tweette them. A similar message is at the professor’s Plenty on the Seventh Day: “It is essential for the action to follow, or that the curve is going to rise again”.

In terms of the number of tests is concerned, said the minister, with The Block on Sunday that there are now more than 3,000 tests per day are performed. “By the middle of next week, Philippe De Backer, (which is responsible for the task force, ed.). get close to 10,000 tests per day. We will drive our ability to. The more the merrier, it is important that everyone who is sick is to be able to test it, everyone who has the primary care of… That is, it is definitely necessary. From the residential care centres, comes the demand for staff and patients in a systematic way for testing.

Immunity testing, has not yet to the point:

the Secretary of The Block cautioned, however, that the test to determine whether a person’s immunity has been built up against the new corona virus is still not all the way on the ground. “That’s why it is still in the quarantainemaatregel of fourteen days, as a safety measure”, she said. Not everyone who is infected shows symptoms, and therefore, the immunity of the population may be higher than expected, a noted professor of Plenty at.

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