Information about the population of Russia will be contained in a single register. This law adopted by the state Duma in the third reading.

the Government has proposed to adopt such a document in order to systematize the information contained in state and municipal information resources.

What data will contain a single resource? first, this is a basic information: name, surname, patronymic, date and place of birth and death, gender, details of the record of civil status act of birth and death, SNILS, INN. And secondly, optional: marital status, kinship person. According to the NRF, the Foundation of a new resource of more than 500 million records of acts of civil status.

Anyone can’t “climb” into the database, assured the deputies. To request information from it will be able to state and municipal authorities, non-budgetary funds, as well as the election Commission. However, for them the use of the register is not required until 2023.

with regard to natural persons, citizens will only have access to their own personal data. Also it will have their legal representatives.

the Register, as specified, can be used for notarial acts.

This is the first attempt to create a Federal information system, drew the attention of the head of the Duma Committee on information policy Alexander Khinshtein.