according to local media reports, this issue was raised within 9 months after the Supreme court delivered its verdict, and sentenced nine politicians to imprisonment for a fairly long time (13 years). However, even then it was clear that Junkers Oriola, Raul Romeva, Jordi Koichiro and others will not have to serve these terms in full. The head of the Generalitat and other supporters of the separation of Catalonia from Spain in power, has repeatedly said that he would do everything possible to release “political prisoners”.

By the beginning of March 2020 they have the right to leave the walls of prison, to work as volunteers in different institutions. The pandemic coronavirus this opportunity was for them, then closed but now the politicians can get more freedom. The government supported the proposal made by the prison commissions, noting “low risk of recurrence.”

If the Prosecutor does not intervene, because only the court can challenge this decision, politicians will get various concessions. The Commission shall define for each of your conditions further punishment.

In the prison system of Spain there are four modes of punishment. The first is the most severe, involving the maximum limit of freedom. The second – normal. Third, who are going to install Catalan politicians, has many varieties. Prisoners may be allowed to go home for the weekend, to provide holiday or even let go and ordered to wear a tracking anklet. A fourth mode allows the condemned to lead a virtually normal life, just regularly marked in law enforcement (so-called conditional freedom). By law, conditions of detention should be reviewed every six months, with good behaviour, prisoners significantly simplify your life.

October 1, 2017, in Catalonia, despite the ban on the constitutional court of Spain held a referendum on independence. For secession voted about 90 percent came to the polls. After the regional deputies adopted the Declaration of independence, Madrid took advantage of article 155 of the Constitution and took control of autonomy for themselves, to dissolve Parliament and appoint early elections. The leaders of the nationalists were arrested and two years later sentenced to long terms (though the former head of the Generalitat de Carlos Pujdeme and several of his advisers fled abroad and is still a fugitive from Spanish justice).