a Resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spoke about how she managed for 12 months to lose 43 pounds. Her story was published by the website Runner’s World.

the 27-year-old Erik Winning (Erika Winning) decided to lose weight after difficulties when you purchase short term medical insurance. The problem was her weight, which at that time consisted of 113.5 kg. She decided that in 2019 will start a new life and take care of yourself.

the Year really began with the weight loss: she contracted influenza and in 10 days lost nine pounds. After his recovery, Eric was daily for 20-30 minutes to devote to physical exercise. In addition, she tried to follow the diet — in particular, do not eat if not hungry. The secret was to set ourselves small achievable goals: this is, according to her, it was very important, especially at first. Thus the girl managed to lose another 13 pounds.

From that moment on, Eric was every morning to make time walking or Jogging. At first because of the bad shape she was trying to run nonstop for at least fifteen minutes.

Gradually the results became better. “For the first time after running five miles, I felt incredible pride, she says. — Yes, it took 40 minutes, but after that I wanted to continue.”

Less than six months for the first time, Eric ran the half-marathon (21 kilometers), and by the end of the year her weight dropped to 70 kilograms.

Earlier it was reported about a student from India who told about how she managed for 10 months to lose 21 pounds, and reveal the secrets of weight loss. “Although exercise is very important to lose weight and maintain physical fitness, to achieve your goal without willpower and commitment it is impossible,” she said.