“sugar free happy in 8 weeks”, according to Sarah Wilson’s book cover, I discover in the bookshelf of our editors. “Happy”. The word irritated me in connection with “sugar-free” anything. Happy without sugar, is that possible? I I grab the book and my thoughts start to circle. Honestly, I’m not with my way of dealing with sugar been longer as happy as I always thought it to be.

Although the sight of chocolate makes me alone a Smile on your face. But, unfortunately, I am not one of the people who leave a piece of the chocolate bar to eat, but to those who feel a very strong Desire, equal to the entire table within a few minutes to disappear. To be as if I would get a prize for the fastest. These thoughts only siblings children have, by the way – I’ve heard – and I can’t get rid of him, consumption also, after ten years of self-determined sugar without hungry siblings.

sugar is like a drug

I have always, every envy, the omitted after a meal full and satisfied on the dessert thanks. Yours truly has since she can remember, already looking forward to the Dessert before the main meal was cooked. “If you have nice finish, there are still a dessert,” said my mother to us children and let me believe The Best is yet to come. Far from it.

That sugar affects our body negatively, is nothing New. Nevertheless, I eat it regularly, uncontrollably, and particularly in the evening. For me, sugar is like a drug that I have been fighting almost every night. Sugar consequences such as headaches, fatigue, bloating, and an accelerated aging process are known to me, so far I have repressed but successful. But that is over now. To get my body in eight weeks sugar free, it can’t be that hard, or? The book by Sarah Wilson serves me as a guide.

GLAMOUR Glamour The small-print ingredients lists

Prior to the Challenge I am dealing with the sugar content of foods. The conversion starts in the head. So far, I have made myself about hidden sugar in industrial products, there are no great thoughts. Of course I was always aware that my Sprite and my full milk chocolate contain a lot of sugar. Even in my beloved cream cheese, in tomato vegetables and a lot of sugar spread is, I was not at all clear. So I’m starting to read the packaging and ingredient lists (even if the fact sucks alone that soooo small print), in order to keep all quantities of Sugar in the Overview.

The first week

In the first week of my detox, I’m getting rid of my refrigerator and make me a Plan of what food I’m going to avoid from now on: table sugar, honey, finished products of all kinds, fruit (at least in the first four weeks), and light bread. Of course, not in every meal in every slice of Bread, the sugar content can be determined. Who’s cooking but fresh and the bread itself bakes, quickly gets a feeling for it.

first of all, I change my Breakfast habits. The beloved cereal mix, I replace by a delicious homemade coconut granola, and instead of the sandwiches from the bakery, there is now a self-lubricated cheese bread. This saves not only sugar, but also money. The lunch break is the next hurdle. In the Asia Shop, I order Sushi instead of Tofu Curry (in Asian dishes contain a lot of sugar) and salad only with olive oil and pepper (finished dressings often contain honey and balsamic, which in turn contain a lot of sugar).

second week

From the second week I try new recipes, for example, an autumnal Kürbismix. In the process, I learn that fats are important, and our appetite control. My favorite is coconut oil. It is heat-resistant, anti-bacterial and can be used for Frying. In search of all the healthy ingredients, the book recommends sugar-free, I learn the various health food stores in my neighborhood know. At the checkout I remind myself why I’m here so rarely, if at all, not shopping: Healthy food is expensive!

Stocksy Glamour third week

as of the third week, I have the code view, when you Check the ingredients label full of it and most of the sugar-destroy-containing products almost at the Font on the package. The basic rule is: The more information on the packages on the topic of health it, the colorful and unhealthy the Zutatenmix is. In addition, I prepare for the first Time, the cream cheese itself and bake bread without a mix, but super easy. After that, I feel as if I had planted a tree.

fourth week

In the fourth week, I cook gradually, the self-turning out of it and waste no thoughts turning more and more fruit. Suddenly, it is normal to snack instead of an Apple, a few Cashews. I’m more active even nuts! It goes like this: First, you soak the nuts in water, then you bake it in the oven. To continue the germination process and the enzymes to activate. This process ensures that the indigestible toxins are in the skin of the nut for the human body to digest. Activated nuts can be frozen by the way is also easy, once you have made too many of them.

fifth week

by The fifth week, for me, is one of the most difficult. I’ve grown accustomed now to the waiver of certain food, in Restaurant and in Bars with friends, compromises occur to me, however, is increasingly difficult. I’d like to have a drink at each Meeting, just a glass of tap water. To me, it is clear that a Diet means a switch that you can easily go every week for a favorite Thai around the corner. Unless you go fun, the menu with the waiter to have the exact ingredients of each dish to explain and to land then in the end the salad without Dressing.

Stocksy Glamour The sixth week

Because I have to leave after 42 days of sugar free is a becoming a bigger and bigger Demand on the Sweet feel, I for me some of the Tricks come to mind. For example, I brush my directly after dinner, the teeth (warning! Also, in a conventional tooth-paste of sugar is slightly different, so don’t use more than necessary) and put cinnamon in my ginger tea for a bar that satisfies the sugar hunger. All in All, I feel happier and more at my weekly yoga classes fitter than ever before.

The seventh week

My freezer is too small for a healthy diet. The I in the penultimate week, in light of my supply of vegetables, nuts, bread and pre-cooked dishes. Meanwhile, the cooking is part of my everyday life and I like to think, to understand, even the cooks in various cooking shows a little bit better. Not that I could suddenly conjure up a fancy Five-star menus. But I feel safer and know also a bit with turmeric, cinnamon, sage, mint, and Cloves to start. And it’s not long since all the spices have been added in my kitchen to salt and pepper.

The eighth week

In the eighth and last week of the Challenge, I allow myself to places with a low sugar content, fruit for example blueberries and raspberries. It is only now that I realize how much I fruit actually in front of my sugar-free weeks have eaten. Because fructose is converted in the body directly into fat, you should not overdo it with Apples, bananas, and co.. Also, tart and muffin recipes I try now. The sugar, I replaced quite simply with rice syrup. And – I admit it – I’m weak. On a piece of the birthday cake of my girlfriend I can’t just give up. Ultimately, it is not, then, to the total renunciation, but of self-control.

My conclusion

After the 8-weeks-sugar-free-Challenge before me now, the life-long Challenge “sugar control”. To soft drinks of all kinds I can do without a good. What relates to chocolate and cake, there will be a permanent waiver for me, never in question. But I can incorporate sugar alternatives into my everyday life, and the sugar consumption control.

To be clear: It is to me, me to restrict and to force a total waiver. After all, we live in a world with lots of delicious temptations. However, I have met in the sugar world a better place and is now conscious, and thus healthier, deal with it. And this fact makes me a little happier.

This article was written by Claudia Herold

practical tips on the subject of sugar


sugar Addiction: symptoms and what you

of sugar can reduce to do

to create it, less sugar to eat

of fat or sugar

What is worse for health?

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*The post “the editor reported on their 8-week Sugar Challenge” will be released by Glamour. Contact with the executives here.
