the Results? “Profile” part-time work most effective for students of any level of education, but there are nuances. For graduates of any early professional start has a positive effect on wages.

College graduates who received a profession or specialty, earnings in “foreign” areas, by contrast, brings no return. Even “penny” in the future.

“It is the specificity of the demand of the labor market, – experts say the HSE. Employer different looks at different types of job seekers: work with a diploma of College more interesting as a carrier of narrow specialization”.

According to the estimates of authors of the study, future benefits from the “profile” work for College students is twice higher than from any other job.

to Expand the opportunities for students to earn their field means investing in their future success, experts conclude. It can be an increase in the share of training enterprises, the dual professional education programs, internships, etc.


According to the Ministry of education, this year from the system SPO is available to the labour market of more than 700 thousand people. This is more than from the system of higher education. The percentage of employment of the graduates of SPO amounted last year to 62%, which is higher than that of University graduates. Popular among incoming College service occupation: chef, maintenance of cars, IT programs.