Tag: USA

Exactly 50 years ago in the mission control center United States received a report from astronaut John Swagart: "Houston, we have a problem". Thus began the mission to rescue the disaster of the ship "Apollo-13"
Possible outbreak of coronavirus infection in the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates threatens to become a humanitarian catastrophe. And the presence there of overcrowded prisons for militants has further complicated the situation. Realizing the danger, the US sent the Syrian opposition unusual "humanitarian aid"
Late in the evening of 12 April (outside of signing of this number in print), the energy Ministers of the OPEC countries+ will hold a new videoconferencia – apparently, for the final initialling of the text of the agreement on joint reduction in the production of "black gold". In Russia, many industry experts believe that, without this agreement, the domestic producers would have to cut the power in half. Now the barrel there is every chance that his price went back to the bar at $40, maybe even higher. So the cost of the "barrel" will help the domestic budget go a year without "holes" that need to be close from the reserve funds. However, for the oil industry, revenues from which fill about half of the Treasury, and the contract threatens to decline by 15%.
The head of the UFC Dana white announced that the reason for the cancellation was a phone call from the highest level
In the US Democratic party summed up the results in the Alaska primaries

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