Tag: Foreign policy

New business OPEC+ helped to avoid the chaos, said in the Kremlin. "And now helps to maintain more or less stable price dynamics", - said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov
Vladimir Putin held two telephone conversations: first, with the US President and the Saudi king, and then separately with the U.S. leader. They held discussed a deal to reduce oil production
Moscow considers unacceptable the dismantling of the monument to Marshal Konev in Prague. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. He noted that the Kremlin would prefer to see the monument restored or in the Czech Republic, or Russia
Russia will continue to defend the legitimate right to Aleksandrovskoe farmstead, which was in January given to the Russian side. This was stated in the Russian Embassy in Israel, commenting on the situation around the archaeological complex scandalous situation
The Federal air transport Agency has prepared a preliminary schedule of export of the Russian citizens from abroad. The project is composed by 13 April. At the moment 25,8 thousands of Russian tourists waiting to return home

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