may 12, in Moscow began to operate, many businesses, thousands of people went to work. In contrast, more stringent requirements to individual protection and sanitary regime in enterprises. About this mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on the air of TV channel “Russia 24”.

It is not just about metro, buses, trams, but also on a taxi. Also a mask and gloves must be worn at the pharmacy or store. If it was a recommendation, now a requirement. Thus there is a balance between a large number of people and measures of individual protection, said the Mayor.

He explained why it is necessary for all to wear masks and gloves. If there are people without masks and some of them are sick with coronavirus, the man is not fully protected. If everyone wears a mask, the probability of contamination below. “As for gloves, there are different opinions, but most infectious disease specialists, experts say that a significant number of infections occur through contact with surfaces, doors, handles, handrails in the subway and so on and so forth. Going to the store, grabbing a cart, and so on and so forth, so it is important that you be secure,” said Sergey Sobyanin.

these measures will help to reduce the rate of spread of the virus and to cope with the pandemic.

on may 15 in the capital begin mass testing for immunity to coronavirus infection. 30 urban polyclinics will be free to donate blood for analysis by immunoassay method (ELISA). This will help you to obtain the most complete and accurate information about the real extent of morbidity and the rate of spread of the coronavirus in Moscow.

to Learn more about the prevention of coronavirus and methods of combating the disease is possible by phone of hot line of the complex social development of the city of Moscow: +7 (495) 870-45-09 (daily from 08:00 to 21:00), as well as special projects