Moscow reference center of radiology starts to use artificial intelligence technology to recognize the signs of coronavirus infection.

the Urban reference center of radiology was created about a year ago. Among its main tasks is to develop common standards and protocols for radiological diagnosis, advice to doctors-radiologists in hospitals and clinics (so-called second opinion), the primary description of the research with the help of telemedicine technologies and distance learning specialists.

the medical experts reference center has online access to a single radiology information service (RICE UMIAS) in the cloud which do all the medical images in hospitals and clinics.

“Radiologists today are key professionals in order to properly and diagnose, and provide treatment,” — said Sergey Sobyanin.

At the beginning of 2020, it was decided to expand the staff of the reference centre. Specialists were placed in the building located at the address: Petrovka street, house 24. The move to the new building will be fully completed before the end of 2020.

Since the beginning of the pandemic reference centre has become a key element coronavirus services of medicine in Moscow. The main study, which allows to confirm or to exclude the development of complications of pneumonia at COVID-19, is computer tomography of lungs in combination with the clinical picture of the disease. In January 2020 (after receiving the first reliable information about the clinical picture of the disease) the doctors reference centre has established uniform standards, methods and templates data description CT diagnosis of the lungs. Today they are used all the medical institutions of Moscow, as well as radiation services in many other regions of Russia.

“Today, PCR-laboratories revealed 2220 cases COVID, and parallel to the 2500 pneumonia with suspected COVID identified through the work of the clinics, computer technology, a single radiology center,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

After April 2020, on the basis of city polyclinics launched outpatient CT centers, a reference center was the coordinator of this network.

medical experts reference center provides the same standards CT diagnosis of lung each of about 250 radiologists outpatient centers. Specialists provide a secondary description of the research (give a second opinion) in complex cases and in cases where doctors outpatient centers turn to more experienced colleagues. In addition, the tasks include conducting random checks of the quality of descriptions made by doctors outpatient CT centers, as well as a description of the primary studies (first opinion) in cases where ��e enough resources for outpatient CT center.

in addition, doctors reference centre has undertaken a number of features which, because of limited resources, temporarily unable to perform radiation services clinics. For example, they hold descriptions of MRI images taken under routine and emergency diagnostic other diseases.

As outpatient CT centers, reference centre works in clock. The time of preparation of the description, as a rule, is 15-30 minutes. In difficult cases — up to one hour. Since the start of operation of outpatient CT centers performed more than 37 thousand studies.

“Based on what the results discovered during CT examination, and routing of patients,” — said Sergey Sobyanin.

He reminded that if the disease is mild, the patient can be treated on an outpatient basis.

In January — April 2020 doctors reference centre tested the algorithms computer vision based on artificial intelligence technology.

there have Been over 3800 tests, which allowed to conclude about the high accuracy of the algorithm (over 90 percent). “We calculated previously: the accuracy of these algorithms is over 90 percent. Very good to work with. So now the algorithm works as protection from mistakes, not to miss pathology. Before the doctor discovered this study, the algorithm already looks at the image and tells,” — said the chief expert in radiation and instrumental diagnostics, Director Scientific and practical centre of clinical diagnosis and telemedicine technology Sergey Morozov.

He stressed that the doctor sees and original research, and the result of processing with the tips — in the presence of pathologies is particularly important. The machine itself takes less than five minutes. Today, doctors-radiologists who performed the CT diagnosis of coronavirus pneumonia, used in the practice of computer vision and artificial intelligence technology.

Loading the CT on your work computer, doctors can see a preliminary conclusion, made with the help of artificial intelligence technologies. The study with signs of pneumonia are highlighted in red, and directly on the image of the lungs marked by a zone of possible defeat. But the final diagnosis in any case, puts the doctor.

the Integrated use of digital equipment, information systems and high-class specialists with the support of artificial intelligence technologies will provide the highest quality of diagnosis.