the Preobrazhensky district court of Moscow has started to consider criminal case of the retired Colonel Sergei Luchaninov, the alleged organizer of the fraud with embezzlement 212 million rubles from the military operator “Voentelekom”. On Monday, August 17, reports “Kommersant”.

the chief military investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia accuses him of especially large fraud. According to investigators, in 2005-2007, a retired army Colonel Dmitry Pounds created and headed the Center for analysis of electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic means (caps) in the “Voentelekom” and Luchaninov became his Deputy.

the caps as an intermediary, took orders for study of electromagnetic compatibility of military and civilian electronic equipment. Need to avoid crossing in the air classified military communications with civilian. For two years the work of Luchnow and got £ 212 million rubles, however, the audit revealed that the center, in which the ex-colonels allegedly sent orders to the study, had experts that conduct such calculations, and has not completed any work.

investigators believe that the study was conducted by the leaders of the center — during the service they worked in this area, and after retirement maintained contacts with former colleagues and consulted with them.

In 2011, the investigation was completed, the court sentenced to imprisonment of three participants in the fraud, but Luchanovo and Funtovo managed to escape abroad. In 2018 Pounds before the start of extradition proceedings has committed suicide.

Sergei Luchaninov found in January 2020 in the Crimea. The court sanctioned his arrest, the accused was transferred to Moscow.