Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law under which employees of the Federal security service (FSB), including the former, it is prohibited to disclose information about the service component of professional secrecy. Document on Friday, 31 July, was published on the official portal of legal information.

According to the law, such information includes data that is not state or other secret protected by law, the disclosure of which may nevertheless “create a threat to their own security of FSB and (or) damage their reputation.”

Information materials developed outside the performance of official duties, but is intended for publication, also will be checked. Place them in open access will be possible only after expert evaluation and conclusions of the FSB.

The law amends article 7 of the law on the FSB. Now there is no concept of professional secrecy, however, determined that information about current and former employees of the FSB and persons assisting them, may be transferred to anyone, only in the cases provided by Federal laws or by decision of the head of the Federal body of Executive power in the field of security.