Where you now spend time, if not a secret?

Dmitry Bak: Absolutely not secret: at home with the family. Never had so much communication with her daughters, it is unusual and beautiful. They have a really solid virtual lessons from the Russian language to music, but watching this rather interesting than unusual.

what are you working On? What are you reading?

Dmitry Bak: Well, the main job is normal, administrative: as part of our Museum two dozen memorial house museums, museums, apartments, showrooms, stock of stores. All this is now closed to visitors, but life goes on: security, maintenance of life support systems, reports,… in addition, the shaft of electronic, network projects. Filmed for TV channel “Culture” a few films for the project “Open Museum”, waiting for the premiere. Continue teaching: five lectures per week in the mornings. And, of course, is a confirmed work on the history of literature, my favorite subjects, books – Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Arseny Tarkovsky – even when you have to read and think so much time in a row!

does your creativity a necessary isolation? The most productive creative time of Alexander Pushkin, Boldino autumn of 1830, came on “the cholera quarantine.”

Dmitry Bak: Yeah, I think boldins almost continuously. There is, of course, the sense that, God forbid, comparing yourself to the greats. It is not the scale created, and in the General sense of self. On the one hand, the danger, the fear for loved ones. But on the other – a rare chance to focus on a better understanding of themselves.

How do you feel about black humor, which I read on the Internet: “Sitting at home. The street people”? Don’t you think that we now live in a time of a new ethics and a new kind of style in the broadest sense of the word?

Dmitry Bak: of Course, the world turned upside down – in a lot of ways. But not to such an extent to ignore the laws of grammar and the meanings of words.

Can you think of any examples from Russian and world classics, where they were described about the current situation? (“The feast during the plague” not to call!)

Dmitry Bak: Well, even “the Decameron”, of course… And so – more and more recall different level novels and disaster movies. The refrain of all arguments one to the old world of humanity will not return. For me it is, sadly – I was quite happy and the world, and even the year before, pre-computer.

Writer in Russia must be a prophet. What do you think, when will this end and what awaits us after this?

Dmitry Bak: Yes this will never end! Only the less you will hear the prophets, more of them will freeze news reports are mostly false. Perhaps Yes again live till the times when native��the Fatherland will appear molders of opinion in the role of prophets, not whistleblowers and subversives.