the Premiere of the Opera in terms of isolation – is it possible? Composer Vladimir Dashkevich proved that it is possible and how. No, it was not a rented concert hall, there was the crowd of listeners was not large orchestra and soloists. There was only he himself – Vladimir Dashkevich and his piano. And on the other side, a group of students who gathered around the computer to see how it is – “Live not by lies.”

“Where rose coronavirus – no one knew thought didn’t

In a free country you lived and grew suddenly into an electronic concentration camp was…”.

These cutting words, like some other texts of the Opera written by the composer himself. The libretto also draws on the texts of Solzhenitsyn, Y. Kim, H. M. Enzensberger and even Mikhail Lermontov.

the Hoarse voice of the author, who in one person and conductor and orchestra, and soprano and mezzo-soprano, and bass, and even boyish viola, just five minutes ceases to identify with the identity of the composer. We begin to experience the amazing story, the protagonist of which – 8-year-old boy (in the second act, he grows up, and he’s 20). The boy realizes that it surrounds a total lie. And he asks a simple question: why lie gives orders in this world? Why the whole world is subject to her? The story is more than relevant: written many years ago, the article by Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “Live not by lies”, which formed the basis of the Opera, has found a new meaning today – generic and terrible.

Sitting in front of the computer listening to the rushing voice Dashkevich, realizing that today we live, literally obeying the orders, the meaning of which is not clear, not being able to separate the fake from reality, literally drowning in the flow of information, which costs nothing, we never saw clearly before themselves the falsity of our world.

Lies in the Opera appears to be a very specific person, not devoid of charm. Her mezzo-soprano role only in the beginning dissonant and grotesque. Then she begins to your sweet voice very melodic. However, her music is imbued with the pathos of the prison chanson – but in Russia this music has long since become mainstream. Particularly expressive sounds “the True song of Lies.” A paradox, but it Lies have to say the truth because she the Truth in his words are incredibly vague and unspecific.

“People are better Lie today lie. Democracy and Republic have the truth in them as the donut hole, you buy and sell. Vote all the time without you, and to death with their ropes, the men all meekly will come” – so sings the Lie to his “true song.”

the Story unfolds, as it should in a fairy tale or parable. The insidious Lie is tearing her stolen necklace, composed of strands of time. She is trying to break the time. This metaphor brings to mind a piece of monologue DIN��ETA: “days of Broken communication. I was born to set it?” (translated by B. Pasternak). Be aware of the danger of tearing the time – not only a philosophical problem, but also practical: the loss of orientation in time is a direct sign of insanity. A world in which no communication time – crazy world.

the Culmination of the spiritual fight of Lies and of the Boy, which Lie very convincingly tries to explain the need for lying, the Boy says only one thing: a conscience that allows you to accurately distinguish the bad from the good. Here to read a musical-poetic rhyme with the “Farewell song” from the cycle “Farewell Petersburg” Glinka: the juxtaposition of unbelief and despair of the soloist positive, claiming good choir. But unlike the songs of Glinka with its harmonious attitude, in this dialogue, the force is clearly not good.

“Let us live not by lies!” – proclaims the chorus, And combined with the very beautiful, classically arranged music, which wonderfully synthesized the principles of the Viennese classics, Baroque and Russian symphonism, this exclamation sounds like a sincere and even desperate call of the people, aware of the approaching disaster.

the Opera ends with a song about love. And it’s not trivial and not “common place”. This is a Truth that can only exist within human beings – the poems, the sound of beautiful music, in the conscience, which is actually unmistakably separates good from evil. If it is, of course.

Opera is over. We applaud the author. He is somewhere in his apartment – bows. We give him flowers – virtual. And ask to say a few words as comments.

Your character name is Volodya. Is that you?

For me this work is very personal. This is the story of several generations, which are in the slide into terror and disaster. I spent many years looking for the reason why this is happening? Why live in fear and don’t have the mental strength to withstand the power, money – all these forms of lying. They drain a man’s life and deprived of a sense of love and truth that do not exist one without the other.

the Truth is you have almost wordless.

– Because the words of truth are among the people. Truth as a category only stores them. But to say it should be people.

– Your Opera ends with the words and music, in which there is a hope that humanity wakes up.

My hero in the final appeals to the audience. He says that until I met people who live not by lies. Maybe it will be you…

In Opera there is a quote from Pushkin: “why herds gifts of freedom? They must be cut or cut. Their inheritance from generation to genera yoke from gremushkami da beach”.

do not want to relate to these lines, written by the poet almost 200 years ago in 1823.