Predicted a possible shortage of coffee due to the epidemic of the coronavirus

the Predicted shortage of coffee due to the epidemic of the coronavirus. On plantations in South America might be a scarcity of workers, says the Agency Bloomberg.

the Closure of banks, reduction of working time, as well as difficulties with movement and fear of the employees before the infection on farms has raised fears of a shortage of workers. This applies in particular to Colombia, Brazil and Peru, which accounted for almost two-thirds of the world production of Arabica beans.

Workers away from the plantations, as they are afraid of Contracting coronavirus. They sleep in overcrowded housing, which increases the risk of infection, even when one case of infection. In addition, the collection is a heavy, low-paid manual work in difficult weather conditions — under the scorching sun. Therefore, Colombia is a deficit of workers may raise more, as there, unlike Brazil, the most common hand-picking coffee beans.

it is Reported that the supply of coffee was exhausted at the time when the virus has caused panic and buying products in the stores, resulting in the price of Arabica beans jumped. The harvest should begin next month, however, the coffee production this year will not be able to meet the demand, so you’ll have to use the leftover stocks from last year.

Earlier it was reported that the regime of self-isolation, introduced nearly worldwide due to pandemic coronavirus, raised the world price of coffee. Due to the closure of restaurants, cafés and coffee shops on quarantine and mass transfer of people into remote work they have been actively buying coffee in supermarkets, to cook and to drink it at home.