The neck is stretched, in the lower part of the back of it and you sit bent forward in front of the Laptop? The work on the Desk is a stress for the body, but in the home office, it is often in a ungesündere posture. The result: back pain and tension. For a good attitude in the home office there are some things to note – we have the best expert tips.

home office: Especially of the back suffering

to integrate More movement into everyday life is generally important in the current Situation, however, the more. The way to work, walk to Lunch, after work, to the gym. All of these daily units of movement way to fall out of date. The space in the home office is limited, and the path to the fridge and back is not enough to bring the body sufficient in movement.

“Due to the long Sit, a ‘kink’ in the pool level and the blood circulation is disturbed in the body,” says the senior physician and Mind-Body Physician Dr. med. Sabine Egger. Including the organs, and especially the intervertebral discs suffer. This Brady-trophic (vascular arms) tissues have a slow metabolism and gets by Sitting still less blood. This means that the metabolic processes are slowed down. In the result, the intervertebral discs age faster. “The consequences are back pain, osteoarthritis and in the worst case, a painful herniated disc,” says the Doctor.

back pain in the home office? – Attitude, attitude, attitude

In the home office, we are usually alone and working in front of the Laptop. Will be even faster in a curved posture: shoulders fall forward, the back is round and the neck tense. “This position is contrary to the natural double S-curvature of the spine,” says Dr. Egger.

This attitude leads in addition to tensions and blockages to micro-inflammation in the muscles and postures on a permanent fail. The Gluteus, gluteal muscles, is neglected while Sitting also. Without regular movement can lead to muscle shortening and reduced range of motion.

The job

What sounds bad, can be optimized with a few simple optimization of the work space and small movement breaks in the handle get. For a healthy posture, it is important to sometimes work Standing up. At best, a standing Desk is here, it also has a higher chest of drawers with a couple of books as increased workplace is. In addition, it is helpful to have an external keyboard and mouse for the Laptop.

The Laptop can be established using a stack of books so high that the head and the screen are on a line. So the head rests on the spine and it does not expire in a curved posture. When Sitting, it is important that the pelvis is slightly tilted forward. With a wedge pillow, you will find the correct Position.

movement in the home office-day

integrate As one forgets in a home office quickly the time, makes you automatically less breaks. You make a Timer to get up all of 45 minutes to be reminded briefly, a small back exercise and something to drink. “Adequate Hydration is the same for all organs and in particular for the intervertebral discs is important,” said Dr. Egger.

In Telefonanten you can use the time to go through the apartment. Small walks, the way to the letter box and the stairs in the house are ways to incorporate micro workouts into your everyday life.

5 easy Exercises for the back

The following five Exercises are perfect for the workday in a home office. It is best to take all of 45 minutes two to three of these Mini-Work-outs.

pelvis rolls

The basin is slowly to the front and the back tilted. This rolling movement mobilises the spine and activates the intervertebral discs. 20 reps.

The Gluteus stretch

you sit upright on a chair. The back is straight. The right ankle placed on left knee. The right leg is bent. To intensify the stretch you can practice on the bent knee is slight pressure. Each side three minutes.


When the knee is flexing, it is important that the movement of legs from the upper and the buttocks, and not from the back. The stomach and back are strengthened, and the doing of good. The abdominal and back muscles are like a muscle corset that belongs together.

concrete pillar

Just sitting posture on the chair. The upper body is to the concrete column, solid and immovable. The navel inward-pull, each of the right and left leg one after the other in a right angle and lift it slightly. The movement comes only from the belly. This Exercise stabilizes the abdomen and back.


The Plank is, and remains, the easiest way to activate the whole body and strengthen. Right now in the home office, you can Plank a 21-day Challenge to start. This creates an incentive for every day a bit longer. Who is untrained starts with 30 seconds and increase every day to tens of seconds.

This article was written by Ruth de Carné “is it the spit”: the infectiology Lodge of the pale about Spahn-statement, FOCUS Online/Wochit “way Remains for me the spit”: the infectiology Lodge of the pale about Spahn-statement

*The contribution “Particularly the back suffers from the home office: Mini-Work-Outs to help against pain” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.