Opening hours: Aldi, Amazon, Lidl, Rewe and co.

Aldi Nord say : “Our markets are currently as usual in Germany and our staff is opened to work tirelessly, the availability of goods for our customers to ensure. The commitment of our staff, we very much appreciate and thank you for the use of each Individual. In the context of ‘ALDI supplies’ we offer our customers only the different promotional offers from the Non-Food area. We can seen here, according to no impact. The offer to ‘ALDI’ is to provide our customers as usual.“

Aldi Süd : “Due to the current exceptional situation is true in General: the branches, which otherwise are open until 21 or 22 o’clock, to close until further notice – like most of the other stores also – already at 20.” – “In order to provide our customers with the best possible and to make “hamster purchases” superfluous, we fill our stocks in the stores on a regular basis. The increased supply and the shelves Give additional logistical effort. All employees are currently working at full speed, both in the stores, as well as in logistics and in administration. In these challenging times, the colleagues make extraordinary.“

Amazon Fresh : Pointed to a compilation of Amazon campaigns in the United States, would in addition, but > type.

Edeka : “ We consider an extension to the opening Hours not to be necessary . Even now, many employees are working at the limits of their capacity. To open a day longer, would aggravate the Situation. The supply of our customers with food, it is also ensured with the existing opening Hours nationwide. We observe that in some range of areas, such as durable foods, such as pasta and canned goods or hygiene products to an increased demand. However, we can ensure the daily supply of the markets with enough goods via our logistics centers to continue. Our employees work with a great use of it, the usual offers and services for your clients to maintain.“

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purchase of land : “Since our stores are continuously supplied with new goods, to ensure the supply of Goods to continue. We also offer our customers due to our long opening Hours from Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 20 PM there is already a large window of time to do your shopping. Therefore, we are currently planning to no Changes or special arrangements of our store opening hours .“

Lidl : “at The present time, all branches will be open during the usual opening Hours . Our employees in this difficult Situation, great work and day and night to give their Best to make our customers enough products are available that you need for your daily life. In all areas of logistics, warehouse and administration our employees, with untiring efforts, ensure that we supply the stores, always with the goods.“

net : “Currently, rumors on Social media, according to which the Federal government plans to allegedly further restrictions of public life are circulating. So, for example, warned in a voice message on WhatsApp before a imminent closure of food markets or a limited range – even with a direct connection to the net. the These rumors are wrong with no basis in fact! A sufficient supply of Goods to our stores, it is also ensured to continue.“

Penny and Rewe : “Our markets are regularly open . The Rewe service delivery we have – analog to the stationary trade – an increase in demand, the isolated waiting to times of a few days – this is a nationwide image.“ Rewe asks at the same time, in order to understand possible bottlenecks in individual markets. In order to relieve the employees something to look Rewe and Penny, by the way helpers : “Who wants to be in our markets now, as a temp, you may apply for uncomplicated,” said the Rewe CEO Lionel Souque in a press release: “students, for example, that due to the current closure of the universities of interest, in the case of Rewe or Penny to help out.” May apply interested, therefore, directly in the market where you want to be.

Rewe-Chef Lionel Souque wrote in a letter to the independent Rewe retailers: “With the current workload, we require staff in the markets are already Considerable. And we have currently little reason to believe that within a very short period of time something changed.“ Therefore, Rewe wanted to waive the Sunday opening . The existing Opening six days of the week allow it already, the customer needs to use.