12 may is international nurses day — the main professional holiday of specialists in nursing. It is celebrated employees of the Metropolitan hospitals, polyclinics, ambulance stations and other health care organizations.

Moscow nurses congratulated Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Moscow Mayor for social development:

the Minister of Moscow Government, head of Moscow Department of health Alexei Khripun, in turn, noted that today the protection of Muscovites came who work in casualty departments, emergency rooms, offices, hospitals, clinics, for ambulance.

“the holiday you always meet at work, and these days it is you are on the front lines. In this difficult time for all of us you are an example of courage, fortitude and perseverance. Many of you sacrificed time with family and give all their attention to patients and his work. Thank you for your loyalty to the cause, kind and sensitive attitude to patients!” — said Alexey Khripun.

Today the capital employs more than 50 thousand nurses, most of them in urban clinics.

nurse — critical specialist who often spends more time with patients than a doctor. Ausmarine temperature, pressure, distribution of tablets, the first morning of the procedure, preparation for bypass. It helps to outpatient care, assists in surgeries, helps to alleviate the condition of patients. Nurses also provide training to the patients and their relatives care during his illness.

For nurses, assisting patients with coronavirus infection, predusmotreny salary. The Federal payment amount to 50 thousand rubles for medium and 25 thousand rubles for nurses working in hospitals and on the ambulance station.

For the Moscow hospitals, laboratories, providing medical care to patients with a diagnosis COVID-19 and conducting research of biological materials, an additional payment amount to 50 thousand rubles (for Junior staff — 30 thousand rubles) per month.

Also a salary Supplement in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month will get that identify cases and carry out medical observation at home.

Additional payments to nursing station of emergency medical aid named after A. S. Puchkov and Scientific-practical center of emergency medical care that was provided, will be 30 thousand rubles per month.

Doctors working with patients with coronavirus will receive additional payments

the Professional holiday of the nursing notes on may 12 under the auspices of the International owls��the nurses. The decision on the establishment of the organization, bringing together nurses from 141 countries was made in 1899.