Relatives of prisoners serving sentences in correctional colonies of Angarsk, Irkutsk region, complained of torture against loved ones. According to the head of the human rights organization “Siberia without torture” Svyatoslav Gromenkova contact with them vanished immediately after the riot in the prison, prisoners not allowed to see his relatives because of unhealed injuries, reports “Says Moscow”.

we are Talking about 55 prisoners in the penal colony № 15 (IR 15). When relatives come to the colony, they are sent to the office of the Federal penitentiary service and advise to call the hotline, said the Khromenkov. “One cousin phoned to officials, called the name of the child and heard the conversation on the other side of the tube that he is not in very good health, as his injuries, it should not be allowed,” said the defender.

“Siberia without torture” submitted a statement about the need to conduct an audit on the fact of this conversation. According to the head of the organization, they received information that the prisoners allegedly beaten and forced to learn the songs. According to the Khromenkov, after the rebellion in the IR-15 brought specially trained employees designed to establish performance requirements.

“We received the video, people walking on the parade ground and marching after the rebellion. In any regulatory and non-regulatory act of the Federal penitentiary service is not the obligation of the convicted person to walk on the parade ground, marching like in the army, and to sing songs. The excess in respect of unspecified persons”, — stressed the head of “Siberia without torture”.

in Parallel, the network is experiencing a flash mob, demanding to stop the torture against detainees. Relatives require from the authorities of the colony to give an answer on “family, which was taken with IR-15”. In “Siberia without torture” said that the flash mob arose spontaneously and organization to it is not relevant.

the Riot in the IR-15 began on April 9 in protest against “lawlessness” on the part of prison officials. After the beginning of the unrest in the colony there was a fire. It was noted that the rebels burned the sawmill and the pig farm. On-site emergency worked spetsnaz FSIN. To pacify the prisoners were sent armored vehicles. The alleged organizer of the riots could become a thief in law, who allegedly walked away from criminal cases, but still retains great influence in the Irkutsk region.