acting Deputy Director of NASA’s international relations Michael gold called the incorrect message that the United States does not want Russia’s involvement in the Washington agreement on exploration of the moon.

He noted that there have been many leaks to the media, which did not reflect correctly what is the international agreement, so not surprised at some reactions on the part of Russia, reports TASS.

Earlier, Reuters reported that the US is preparing an international agreement on the extraction of resources on the moon without the participation of Russia at the initial stage. Washington intends to connect such countries as Canada, Japan, EU States and the UAE.

the Head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin after this publication compared the US plan for the extraction of minerals on the moon with the American invasion of Iraq.

a NASA spokesman responded affirmatively to the question of whether the United States consider Russia as a partner in the development of the moon and whether Moscow if you wish to rely on the conclusion of a Treaty.