President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that NATO creates a military group to capture the Western Belarusian lands. Today, December 2, passes session of Council of collective security of the CSTO.”The thing is, and I quote, “in the historical belonging of the Belarusian lands of Poland.” It is stated already in the open mode. Unless I, as the President and Belarusians can agree with that? Is where we live today, we do not belong to this land. Clear to whom. In this direction and act Tell me how it is possible to react?” — said at the session of Mr. Lukashenko.Alexander Lukashenko also called external interference the cause of the current protest and called on the leaders of the CSTO to unite against external pressure. “We never talked about what all need to be together today, United,” he said.Mr. Lukashenko also said that the actions of Western countries aimed not only against Belarus, but against Russia. “Events in Belarus (already openly say) is a springboard for pressure on the Russian Federation. As a friend I want to say: if someone thinks it’s somewhere else, Belarus is that it’s not us… Maybe we once thought. Even events in the Ukraine — thought it was somewhere not here. Before you know it, as will you,” he said. A word about external intervention commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is Chairman of the CSTO session. “Troubling, indeed, outside intervention: financial support, information support, political support and so on I really hope that the Belarusian people will have enough political maturity to calmly, without any sudden movements to build a political dialogue with all political forces, and solve all their internal problems themselves, without any pressure and without any outside interference,”— said Mr. Putin. Protests in Belarus tense fourth month. The reason for them were the official results of the presidential elections in the country. Protesters demand revision of results of voting, according to which the victory was gained by Alexander Lukashenko. Mr. Lukashenko has repeatedly accused Western countries of trying to interfere in the internal Affairs of Belarus and support of the opposition. On the position of Minsk — in the material “Kommersant” “Alexander Lukashenko extremely samosorn”.