Further investigation into the cause of death of women don Sturges in 2018 in Amesbury due to suspected poisoning with nerve substance “Beginner” should not touch on the question of Russian involvement in this incident. This decision was made by the High court in London, told the newspaper the Salisbury Journal.

A lawsuit was filed by the relatives Sturges: they referred to article of the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (ECHR), demanding the extension of the investigation. The judges partially upheld the complaint of the coroner will be obliged to extend the list of investigated the causes of death of women. However, they stressed that the second article of the ECHR does not oblige you to investigate the actions of foreign States even if they resulted in someone’s death.

In the verdict the judges said that the involvement of Russia and to the use of banned toxin specifies a range of evidence. However, it is also noted that “there was (realistically) not be a criminal trial, where the details of how this horrific event became possible, will be discussed publicly”.

Don Sturges and Charlie Rowley in June 2018 were poisoned nervously-paralytic substance “Beginner”, which in March in the nearby town of Salisbury was poisoned by a former GRU officer Sergey Skripal and his daughter Julia. A couple was placed in the same hospital where he was treated Skrypali, however, the woman died. Rowley also came to.

He later told me that the bottle with the alleged poison he found in the Park and gave Sturgis, taking the perfume. British Ministry of defense soon stated the Russian involvement in the death of women, the Russian side denied the allegations.