Katy Perry and Orlando bloom.

It’s now 35-year-old singer Katy Perry lights up with joy in anticipation of the imminent birth of first child and is enjoying the new joyful Chapter in life, and two years ago it was not so rosy: she broke up with Orlando bloom, and her new album, which the artist had high hopes, and the audience was cool. Katie sank into depression — it was so serious that she contemplated suicide.

My career has evolved incrementally — higher, higher and higher. And then suddenly there was a drop — not so big, as I understand it now. But then, for me, it was like an earthquake. I have so much invested in all this that part of me just did not. I just broke up with my boyfriend now the father of my unborn child, and was hoping that my new album shoot (talking about the album Witness. — Approx. ed.). But all was not so, and I was just broken,

— admitted the star radio SiriusXM CBC.

However, this black strip, during which Katie had suicidal thoughts or tendencies, in his own way was useful:

For me was important to feel broken — it helped me another way to collect himself again, helped to “ground”, and not just waste life as a pop star. Gratitude is what may have saved my life. Because if not, I would have drowned in his sadness and probably just would have thrown herself…

to Overcome the crisis Katie has helped faith and hope:

I found things for which they felt grateful. It was very hard. I went in a circle and repeated: “I am grateful, I am grateful” — even when I was in a bad mood. Hope has always been with me, due to the fact that I believe in God and in something bigger than me. I hope that something bigger than me, created me for a purpose and for a reason that I’m not disposable product that every person was created with a purpose.

Earlier, Katie has already told me that the psychological issues with which she struggles throughout his career, always helped her to cope her faith: the singer grew up in a deeply religious family — her parents were pastors of the Pentecostal Church.

Recall, Katy Perry and Orlando bloom, who began Dating after the afterparty of the “Golden globe — 2016”, broke up in 2017, but the gap didn’t last long and by the end of the year the lovers are reconciled. The actor proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day in 2019, giving an engagement ring worth five million dollars. In March 2020, the couple announced that she was pregnant: the baby will be the first for Katie and one for 43-year-old Orlando, from ex-wife Miranda Kerr, the actor has nine-year-old son Flynn. We already know that Katie and Orlando will be de��points.