The critical shortage of surgical masks also found in neighbouring countries. In order to be less dependent on foreign imports from China, the president of france, Emmanuel Macron, the production of surgical masks in your own country, substantially set forth. Dutch companies are millions of all a week to produce. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.

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Macron wants to be by the end of 2020, “completely independent” of foreign imports, ” he said on Tuesday. The French medical care is consumed during the coronacrisis forty million masks per week. In order to meet the demand, were forced to the south, to appeal to mainly Chinese suppliers. In the production of surgical masks have been dramatically increased. Ten-million copies in a week, the conditions at the end of the month of april. The coronacrisis, it was a French number about 3.3 million. “This crisis shows that we can have our national and European sovereignty and, for certain products, and materials, need to re-enhance”, what it sounds like. The government has a budget of 4 billion euros have been earmarked for the purchase of surgical masks, beademingstoestellen, and drugs.

you can also Read Why it should not have come as a surprise that our country, with 3 million ‘coffee filter’ purchased, the supplier was looking for surgical masks for yourself on Facebook

our neighbors to scale up the production. The company AFPRO Filters, Alkmaar (Noord-Holland) has received an order from the Dutch government for the three million in all. The company will soon start the production of FFP2-surgical masks (masks with a filter, suitable for use in the hospital), and there is a hall for free.

AFPRO Filters has been in China, and has been active over several sites. A production machine will be the following week, a cargo plane, from China to the Netherlands is over. The company wants to be “in accordance with the Dutch standards-to work, said a spokesman, of our colleagues from the

unlike the us, the country used to sew for Belgian prisoners since the outbreak of the coronacrisis to nutoe 27.350 surgical masks. Volunteers all over the country are doing plenty to further. As Petra Couffez (53) in West Flanders, Yet (follow instructions above). She and her team of 45 volunteer stiktenop a three-week period, to 12,000 surgical masks.